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Universal plans for reactive robots in unpredictable environments. M Schoppers IJCAI 87, 1039-1046, 1987 | 811 | 1987 |
Mars’ surface radiation environment measured with the Mars Science Laboratory’s Curiosity rover DM Hassler, C Zeitlin, RF Wimmer-Schweingruber, B Ehresmann, ... science 343 (6169), 1244797, 2014 | 698 | 2014 |
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Volatile, isotope, and organic analysis of martian fines with the Mars Curiosity rover LA Leshin, PR Mahaffy, CR Webster, M Cabane, P Coll, PG Conrad, ... Science 341 (6153), 1238937, 2013 | 501 | 2013 |
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Martian fluvial conglomerates at Gale crater RME Williams, JP Grotzinger, WE Dietrich, S Gupta, DY Sumner, ... science 340 (6136), 1068-1072, 2013 | 408 | 2013 |
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