Jason Kerwin
Jason Kerwin
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Washington
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Making the grade: The sensitivity of education program effectiveness to input choices and outcome measures
JT Kerwin, RL Thornton
Review of Economics and Statistics 103 (2), 251-264, 2021
Learning More about Teachers: Estimating Teacher Value-Added and Treatment Effects on Teacher Value-Added in Northern Uganda
J Buhl-Wiggers, JT Kerwin, J Smith, R Thornton
Scared straight or scared to death? Fatalism in response to disease risks
JT Kerwin
mimeo, 2020
Pay me later: Savings constraints and the demand for deferred payments
L Brune, E Chyn, J Kerwin
American Economic Review 111 (7), 2179-2212, 2021
Peers and Motivation at Work: Evidence from a Firm Experiment in Malawi
L Brune, E Chyn, J Kerwin
Journal of Human Resources, 0919-10416R2, 2020
Evaluating the functionality of the symmetry ETG and Medstat MEG software in forming episodes of care using medicare data
T MaCurdy, J Kerwin, J Gibbs, E Lin, C Cotterman, M O’Brien-Strain, ...
Burlingame, CA: Acumen, LLC, August, 2008
Health knowledge and non-pharmaceutical interventions during the Covid-19 pandemic in Africa
A Fitzpatrick, S Beg, L Derksen, A Karing, J Kerwin, AM Lucas, ...
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 190, 33-53, 2021
“Rational fatalism”: Non-monotonic choices in response to risk
JT Kerwin
Working Group in African Political Economy meeting, University of California …, 2012
Need for risk adjustment in adapting episode grouping software to Medicare data
T MaCurdy, J Kerwin, N Theobald
Health Care Financing Review 30 (4), 33, 2009
Some children left behind: Variation in the effects of an educational intervention
J Buhl-Wiggers, JT Kerwin, J Muņoz-Morales, J Smith, R Thornton
Journal of Econometrics, 2022
Prevalence of and factors associated with oral sex among rural and urban Malawian men
JT Kerwin, RL Thornton, SM Foley
International Journal of Sexual Health 26 (1), 66-77, 2014
Healthcare appointments as commitment devices
L Derksen, JT Kerwin, N Ordaz Reynoso, O Sterck
The Economic Journal, ueae077, 2024
Income timing and liquidity constraints: Evidence from a randomized field experiment
L Brune, JT Kerwin
Journal of Development Economics 138, 294-308, 2019
Prototype Medicare Resource Utilization Report Based on Episode Groupers
T MaCurdy, N Theobald, J Kerwin, K Ueda
Acumen, LLC, Burlingame, CA.(Accessed 2009.), 2008
You know what i know: interviewer knowledge effects in subjective expectation elicitation
JT Kerwin, N Ordaz Reynoso
Demography 58 (1), 1-29, 2021
How important is temptation spending? Maybe less than we thought
L Brune, JT Kerwin, Q Li
The World Bank Economic Review 36 (2), 433-454, 2022
Missing safer sex strategies in HIV Prevention: A call for further research
JT Kerwin, SM Foley, RL Thornton, P Basinga, J Chinkhumba
African Population Studies 25 (2), 2011
Situational analysis of sexual behaviors and alternative safer sex strategies in-depth interview dataset
JT Kerwin, RL Thornton, SM Foley, J Chinkhumba, A Chibwana
University of Michigan and University of Malawi College of Medicine, 2011
Making the grade: The sensitivity of education program effectiveness to input choices and outcome measures
J Kerwin, R Thornton
unpublished. Downloaded from, 2019
Striking the Right Balance: Why Standard Balance Tests Over-Reject the Null, and How to Fix It
J Kerwin, N Rostom, O Sterck
IZA Discussion Papers, 2024
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