Chelsea Corr-Limoges
Chelsea Corr-Limoges
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Biofuel blending reduces particle emissions from aircraft engines at cruise conditions
RH Moore, KL Thornhill, B Weinzierl, D Sauer, E D’Ascoli, J Kim, ...
Nature 543 (7645), 411-415, 2017
Secondary organic aerosol production from local emissions dominates the organic aerosol budget over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
BA Nault, P Campuzano-Jost, DA Day, JC Schroder, B Anderson, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (24), 17769-17800, 2018
Influence of jet fuel composition on aircraft engine emissions: A synthesis of aerosol emissions data from the NASA APEX, AAFEX, and ACCESS missions
RH Moore, M Shook, A Beyersdorf, C Corr, S Herndon, WB Knighton, ...
Energy & Fuels 29 (4), 2591-2600, 2015
Retrieval of aerosol single scattering albedo at ultraviolet wavelengths at the T1 site during MILAGRO
CA Corr, N Krotkov, S Madronich, JR Slusser, B Holben, W Gao, J Flynn, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (15), 5813-5827, 2009
Airborne observations of bioaerosol over the Southeast United States using a wideband integrated bioaerosol sensor
LD Ziemba, AJ Beyersdorf, G Chen, CA Corr, SN Crumeyrolle, G Diskin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (14), 8506-8524, 2016
Spectral absorption of biomass burning aerosol determined from retrieved single scattering albedo during ARCTAS
CA Corr, SR Hall, K Ullmann, BE Anderson, AJ Beyersdorf, KL Thornhill, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (21), 10505-10518, 2012
The impacts of aerosol loading, composition, and water uptake on aerosol extinction variability in the Baltimore–Washington, DC region
AJ Beyersdorf, LD Ziemba, G Chen, CA Corr, JH Crawford, GS Diskin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (2), 1003-1015, 2016
Asian dust observed during KORUS-AQ facilitates the uptake and incorporation of soluble pollutants during transport to South Korea
EW Heim, J Dibb, E Scheuer, PC Jost, BA Nault, JL Jimenez, D Peterson, ...
Atmospheric Environment 224, 117305, 2020
Observational evidence for the convective transport of dust over the Central United States
CA Corr, LD Ziemba, E Scheuer, BE Anderson, AJ Beyersdorf, G Chen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (3), 1306-1319, 2016
Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured during KORUS-AQ
PE Saide, M Gao, Z Lu, DL Goldberg, DG Streets, JH Woo, A Beyersdorf, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (11), 6455-6478, 2020
Estimating source region influences on black carbon abundance, microphysics, and radiative effect observed over South Korea
KD Lamb, AE Perring, B Samset, D Peterson, S Davis, BE Anderson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (23), 13,527-13,548, 2018
Arctic radiation-icebridge sea and ice experiment: The arctic radiant energy system during the critical seasonal ice transition
WL Smith Jr, C Hansen, A Bucholtz, BE Anderson, M Beckley, JG Corbett, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (7), 1399-1426, 2017
Effect of aerosols and NO2 concentration on ultraviolet actinic flux near Mexico City during MILAGRO: measurements and model calculations
GG Palancar, BL Lefer, SR Hall, WJ Shaw, CA Corr, SC Herndon, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (2), 1011-1022, 2013
Spectral aerosol extinction (SpEx): a new instrument for in situ ambient aerosol extinction measurements across the UV/visible wavelength range
CE Jordan, BE Anderson, AJ Beyersdorf, CA Corr, JE Dibb, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8 (11), 4755-4771, 2015
Bias and sensitivity of boundary layer clouds and surface radiative fluxes in MERRA‐2 and airborne observations over the Beaufort Sea during the ARISE campaign
M Segal Rozenhaimer, N Barton, J Redemann, S Schmidt, S LeBlanc, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (12), 6565-6580, 2018
Fine particle pH and sensitivity to NH3 and HNO3 over summertime South Korea during KORUS-AQ
I Ibikunle, A Beyersdorf, P Campuzano-Jost, C Corr, JD Crounse, J Dibb, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2020, 1-42, 2020
Reconstruct missing pixels of Landsat land surface temperature product using a CNN with partial convolution
M Chen, BH Newell, Z Sun, CA Corr, W Gao
Applications of Machine Learning 11139, 103-118, 2019
New in situ aerosol hyperspectral optical measurements over 300–700 nm–Part 1: Spectral Aerosol Extinction (SpEx) instrument field validation during the KORUS-OC cruise
CE Jordan, RM Stauffer, BT Lamb, CH Hudgins, KL Thornhill, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (1), 695-713, 2021
Missing pixel reconstruction on landsat 8 analysis ready data land surface temperature image patches using source-augmented partial convolution
M Chen, Z Sun, BH Newell, CA Corr, W Gao
Remote Sensing 12 (19), 3143, 2020
Retrieval of aerosol single scattering albedo at UV wavelengths for two urban field campaigns
CA Corr
Colorado State University, 2008
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