Matthew McGinley
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Cited by
Pupil fluctuations track rapid changes in adrenergic and cholinergic activity in cortex
J Reimer, MJ McGinley, Y Liu, C Rodenkirch, Q Wang, DA McCormick, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13289, 2016
Waking state: rapid variations modulate neural and behavioral responses
MJ McGinley, M Vinck, J Reimer, R Batista-Brito, E Zagha, CR Cadwell, ...
Neuron 87 (6), 1143-1161, 2015
Cortical membrane potential signature of optimal states for sensory signal detection
MJ McGinley, SV David, DA McCormick
Neuron 87 (1), 179-192, 2015
Motor cortex feedback influences sensory processing by modulating network state
E Zagha, AE Casale, RNS Sachdev, MJ McGinley, DA McCormick
Neuron 79 (3), 567-578, 2013
Triheteromeric NMDA receptors at hippocampal synapses
KR Tovar, MJ McGinley, GL Westbrook
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (21), 9150-9160, 2013
Brain state dependent activity in the cortex and thalamus
DA McCormick, MJ McGinley, DB Salkoff
Current opinion in neurobiology 31, 133-140, 2015
Distinct roles for two synaptotagmin isoforms in synchronous and asynchronous transmitter release at zebrafish neuromuscular junction
H Wen, MW Linhoff, MJ McGinley, GL Li, GM Corson, G Mandel, P Brehm
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (31), 13906-13911, 2010
Pupil-linked phasic arousal predicts a reduction of choice bias across species and decision domains
JW de Gee, K Tsetsos, L Schwabe, AE Urai, D McCormick, MJ McGinley, ...
Elife 9, e54014, 2020
Rate thresholds determine the precision of temporal integration in principal cells of the ventral cochlear nucleus
MJ McGinley, D Oertel
Hearing research 216, 52-63, 2006
Sensation during active behaviors
L Busse, JA Cardin, ME Chiappe, MM Halassa, MJ McGinley, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (45), 10826-10834, 2017
Graded recruitment of pupil-linked neuromodulation by parametric stimulation of the vagus nerve
Z Mridha, JW de Gee, Y Shi, R Alkashgari, J Williams, A Suminski, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1539, 2021
Knockout of Foxp2 disrupts vocal development in mice
GA Castellucci, MJ McGinley, DA McCormick
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23305, 2016
Experience-dependent maturation of the glomerular microcircuit
BJ Maher, MJ McGinley, GL Westbrook
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (39), 16865-16870, 2009
Generating synchrony from the asynchronous: compensation for cochlear traveling wave delays by the dendrites of individual brainstem neurons
MJ McGinley, MC Liberman, R Bal, D Oertel
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (27), 9301-9311, 2012
Connections and synaptic function in the posteroventral cochlear nucleus of deaf jerker mice
XJ Cao, MJ McGinley, D Oertel
Journal of Comparative Neurology 510 (3), 297-308, 2008
Reduced high-frequency motor neuron firing, EMG fractionation, and gait variability in awake walking ALS mice
M Hadzipasic, W Ni, M Nagy, N Steenrod, MJ McGinley, A Kaushal, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (47), E7600-E7609, 2016
Membrane and synaptic properties of pyramidal neurons in the anterior olfactory nucleus
MJ McGinley, GL Westbrook
Journal of neurophysiology 105 (4), 1444-1453, 2011
Loss of olfactory cell adhesion molecule reduces the synchrony of mitral cell activity in olfactory glomeruli
M Borisovska, MJ McGinley, AS Bensen, GL Westbrook
The Journal of physiology 589 (8), 1927-1941, 2011
Nonequivalent release sites govern synaptic depression
H Wen, MJ McGinley, G Mandel, P Brehm
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (3), E378-E386, 2016
Closed universes with black holes but no event horizons as a solution to the black hole information problem
FJ Tipler, J Graber, M McGinley, J Nichols-Barrer, C Staecker
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 379 (2), 629-640, 2007
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Articles 1–20