Renata Petrevska Nechkoska, PhD in Business Economics and PhD in Management
Renata Petrevska Nechkoska, PhD in Business Economics and PhD in Management
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Tactical management in complexity: Managerial and informational aspects
R Petrevska Nechkoska
Springer, 2019
Bridging Operational, Strategic and Project Management. Information Systems for Tactical Management Information Provision
GM Renata Petrevska Nechkoska, Geert Poels
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 18 (2), 146-158, 2015
The three muskEUteers: Pushing and pursuing a “one for all, all for one” triple transition: Social, green, and digital
A Caro-González, A Serra, X Albala, CE Borges, D Casado-Mansilla, ...
Facilitation in Complexity: From Creation to Co-creation, from Dreaming to …, 2023
Tactical Management in Focus: Adaptability and Information Systems
R Petrevska Nechkoska
CAiSE'2015 Doctoral Consortium at the 27th International Conference on …, 2015
MultiCREATION: Multi-stakeholder problem-driven approach: entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship
R Petrevska Nechkoska, M Angeloska Dichovska, M Angeleski, ...
Facilitation in complexity: from creation to co-creation, from dreaming to …, 2023
The gig economy in the post-COVID Era
D Nikoloski, N Trajkova Najdovska, R Petrevska Nechkoska, ...
Facilitation in Complexity: From Creation to Co-creation, from Dreaming to …, 2023
Engaging economics and traffic engineering students in community issues using the multicreation approach
RP Nechkoska, DK Nechovska, M Angeleski
Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy 67 (3), 29-37, 2021
Enterprise adaptability using a capability-oriented methodology and tool support
R Petrevska Nechkoska, G Poels, J Zdravkovic
2nd International Workshop on Practicing Open Enterprise Modelling within …, 2018
Towards improving adaptability of capability driven development methodology in complex environment
RP Nechkoska, G Poels, G Manceski
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2018 International …, 2018
Context-appropriate implementation of blended learning in higher education in Western Balkans
R Petrevska Nechkoska, S Mojsovska Salamovska
DIEM: Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting 3 (1), 506-518, 2017
Identifying and Adressing Adaptability and Information System Requirements for Tactical Management
R Petrevska Nechkoska, G Poels, G Manceski
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering CAiSE, 13-24, 2016
Tactical Management in Complexity: Managerial and Informational Aspects
RP Nechkoska
Springer, 2019
Meeting point of strategy and operations: tactical management sense and response framework enhancement
R Petrevska Nechkoska, G Manceski, G Poels
8th European Conference on IS Management and Evaluation (ECIME), 333-340, 2014
KupiKniga. mk: transforming a website into a profitable ecommerce system using assisted conversions funnel
L Antovski, G Armenski
ICT Innovations 2012 Web Proceedings, ICT ACT, Skopje, 2012
Theoretical foundations: Management—information systems—complexity
R Petrevska Nechkoska, R Petrevska Nechkoska
Tactical Management in Complexity: Managerial and Informational Aspects, 65-134, 2020
Adaptive organizations in the digital age: complexity, creativity and innovation
R Petrevska Nechkoska, O Kostoska
Faculty of Economics-Prilep, University" St. Kliment Ohridski"-Bitola, 2019
'MultiCreation': participatory learning approach for business: academia collaboration
R Petrevska Nechkoska, M Angeloska Dichovska
Teaching Methods for Economics and Business Sciences (3rd), 13-13, 2019
Multi-Vortex Tornado Blueprint for Disruptive Global Co-Creation (Inspired by EUvsVirus) Hackathons vs Grand Challenges
R Petrevska Nechkoska, A Caro Gonzalez, A Bertello, S Grande, ...
Facilitation in Complexity: From Creation to Co-creation, from Dreaming to …, 2023
Conceptualisation of Decentralized Blockchain-Based, Open-Source ERP Marketplaces: Disruptive Decentralized Technologies for Co-Creation
G Manceski, R Petrevska Nechkoska
Facilitation in Complexity: From Creation to Co-creation, from Dreaming to …, 2023
Facilitation in Complexity: From Creation to Co-creation, from Dreaming to Co-dreaming, from Evolution to Co-evolution
RP Nechkoska, G Manceski, G Poels
Springer Nature, 2023
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Articles 1–20