Diana Eastman
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Cited by
Effect of a multipayer patient-centered medical home on health care utilization and quality: the Rhode Island chronic care sustainability initiative pilot program
MB Rosenthal, MW Friedberg, SJ Singer, D Eastman, Z Li, EC Schneider
JAMA internal medicine 173 (20), 1907-1913, 2013
How report cards on physicians, physician groups, and hospitals can have greater impact on consumer choices
AD Sinaiko, D Eastman, MB Rosenthal
Health Affairs 31 (3), 602-611, 2012
A difference-in-difference analysis of changes in quality, utilization and cost following the Colorado multi-payer patient-centered medical home pilot
MB Rosenthal, S Alidina, MW Friedberg, SJ Singer, D Eastman, Z Li, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 31, 289-296, 2016
Exploring the design space of gestural interaction with active tokens through user-defined gestures
C Valdes, D Eastman, C Grote, S Thatte, O Shaer, A Mazalek, B Ullmer, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
Impact of the Rochester Medical Home Initiative on primary care practices, quality, utilization, and costs
MB Rosenthal, AD Sinaiko, D Eastman, B Chapman, G Partridge
Medical Care 53 (11), 967-973, 2015
Impact of a pay for performance program to improve diabetes care in the safety net
AT Chien, D Eastman, Z Li, MB Rosenthal
Preventive medicine 55, S80-S85, 2012
Impact of the Cincinnati aligning forces for quality multi-payer patient centered medical home pilot on health care quality, utilization, and costs
MB Rosenthal, S Alidina, MW Friedberg, SJ Singer, D Eastman, Z Li, ...
Medical Care Research and Review 73 (5), 532-545, 2016
Delivery of patient centered care in the US Health Care System: What is standing in its way
AD Sinaiko, K Szumigalski, D Eastman, AT Chien
Academy Health. Retrieved October 30, 2019, 2019
Value-Based Purchasing Design And Effect: A Systematic Review And Analysis: A systematic review of value-based purchasing programs, financial and nonfinancial features, and …
A Pandey, D Eastman, H Hsu, MJ Kerrissey, MB Rosenthal, AT Chien
Health Affairs 42 (6), 813-821, 2023
Understanding information practices of interactive personal genomics users
O Shaer, O Nov, A West, D Eastman
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2455-2460, 2014
Trends in the Availability of Pediatric Emergency or Inpatient Services in the US 2012-2016
A Chien, N Beaulieu, D Eastman, JA Leyenaar, M Samnaliev, D Cutler
2019 Annual Research Meeting, 2019
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Articles 1–11