Song-Hee Kim
Song-Hee Kim
Associate Professor of Operations Management, SNU Business School, Seoul National University
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ICU admission control: An empirical study of capacity allocation and its implication for patient outcomes
SH Kim, CW Chan, M Olivares, G Escobar
Management Science 61 (1), 19-38, 2015
Are call center and hospital arrivals well modeled by nonhomogeneous Poisson processes?
SH Kim, W Whitt
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (3), 464-480, 2014
Choosing arrival process models for service systems: Tests of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process
SH Kim, W Whitt
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 61 (1), 66-90, 2014
Eliciting human judgment for prediction algorithms
R Ibrahim, SH Kim, J Tong
Management Science 67 (4), 2314-2325, 2021
Statistical analysis with little's law
SH Kim, W Whitt
Operations Research 61 (4), 1030-1045, 2013
Should hospitals keep their patients longer? The role of inpatient care in reducing postdischarge mortality
AP Bartel, CW Chan, SH Kim
Management Science 66 (6), 2326-2346, 2020
Should hospitals keep their patients longer? The role of inpatient care in reducing post-discharge mortality
AP Bartel, CW Chan, SHH Kim
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014
Association among ICU congestion, ICU admission decision, and patient outcomes
SH Kim, CW Chan, M Olivares, GJ Escobar
Critical care medicine 44 (10), 1814-1821, 2016
Admission control biases in hospital unit capacity management: How occupancy information hurdles and decision noise impact utilization
SH Kim, J Tong, C Peden
Management Science 66 (11), 5151-5170, 2020
Poisson and non-Poisson properties in appointment-generated arrival processes: The case of an endocrinology clinic
SH Kim, P Vel, W Whitt, WC Cha
Operations Research Letters 43 (3), 247-253, 2015
A data-driven model of an appointment-generated arrival process at an outpatient clinic
SH Kim, W Whitt, WC Cha
INFORMS Journal on Computing 30 (1), 181-199, 2018
The power of alternative Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests based on transformations of the data
SH Kim, W Whitt
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 25 (4), 1-22, 2015
Maximizing intervention effectiveness
V Gupta, BR Han, SH Kim, H Paek
Management Science 66 (12), 5576-5598, 2020
Learning from Leaders or Followers in Temporary Teams: The Varying Effects of Partner Exposure by Team Member Role
SH Kim, H Song, M Valentine
Available at SSRN 3176306, 2021
Should hospitals keep their patients longer? the role of inpatient and outpatient care in reducing readmissions
AP Bartel, CW Chan, H Kim
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014
Estimating waiting times with the time-varying Little's law
SH Kim, W Whitt
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 27 (4), 471-506, 2013
Is expert input valuable? The case of predicting surgery duration
R Ibrahim, SH Kim
Seoul Journal of Business, Forthcoming, 2019
Identifying the Bottleneck Unit: Impact of Congestion Spillover in Hospital Inpatient Unit Network
SH Kim, F Zheng, J Brown
Available at SSRN 3667970, 2021
Does Algorithm Aversion Exist in the Field? An Empirical Analysis of Algorithm Use Determinants in Diabetes Self-Management
W Lin, SH Kim, J Tong
An Empirical Analysis of Algorithm Use Determinants in Diabetes Self …, 2021
Refining workload measure in hospital units: From census to acuity-adjusted census in intensive care units
SH Kim, E Pinker, J Rimar, E Bradley
USC Marshall School of Business Working Paper, 2017
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