Dimitris Sacharidis
Dimitris Sacharidis
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
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Cited by
Ranking and clustering web services using multicriteria dominance relationships
D Skoutas, D Sacharidis, A Simitsis, T Sellis
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 3 (3), 163-177, 2010
Partially materialized digest scheme: an efficient verification method for outsourced databases
K Mouratidis, D Sacharidis, HH Pang
The VLDB Journal 18, 363-381, 2009
On-line discovery of hot motion paths
D Sacharidis, K Patroumpas, M Terrovitis, V Kantere, M Potamias, ...
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database …, 2008
Top-k dominant web services under multi-criteria matching
D Skoutas, D Sacharidis, A Simitsis, V Kantere, T Sellis
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on extending database …, 2009
Fast approximate wavelet tracking on streams
G Cormode, M Garofalakis, D Sacharidis
International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 4-22, 2006
Topologically sorted skylines for partially ordered domains
D Sacharidis, S Papadopoulos, D Papadias
2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1072-1083, 2009
Efficient semantic web service discovery in centralized and p2p environments
D Skoutas, D Sacharidis, V Kantere, T Sellis
International Semantic Web Conference, 583-598, 2008
Top-n group recommendations with fairness
D Sacharidis
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing, 1663-1670, 2019
Dynamic pickup and delivery with transfers
P Bouros, D Sacharidis, T Dalamagas, T Sellis
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 12th International Symposium …, 2011
Exploiting duality in summarization with deterministic guarantees
P Karras, D Sacharidis, N Mamoulis
Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2007
k-Anonymity in the Presence of External Databases
D Sacharidis, K Mouratidis, D Papadias
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 22 (3), 392-403, 2009
Serving the sky: Discovering and selecting semantic web services through dynamic skyline queries
D Skoutas, D Sacharidis, A Simitsis, T Sellis
2008 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 222-229, 2008
Shift-split: I/o efficient maintenance of wavelet-transformed multidimensional data
M Jahangiri, D Sacharidis, C Shahabi
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Caching dynamic skyline queries
D Sacharidis, P Bouros, T Sellis
International conference on scientific and statistical database management …, 2008
Model-agnostic counterfactual explanations of recommendations
V Kaffes, D Sacharidis, G Giannopoulos
Proceedings of the 29th ACM conference on user modeling, adaptation and …, 2021
Regionally influential users in location-aware social networks
P Bouros, D Sacharidis, N Bikakis
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2014
Fairness and diversity in social-based recommender systems
D Sacharidis, CP Mukamakuza, H Werthner
Adjunct publication of the 28th ACM conference on user modeling, adaptation …, 2020
Routing directions: Keeping it fast and simple
D Sacharidis, P Bouros
Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2013
Impact-based ranking of scientific publications: A survey and experimental evaluation
I Kanellos, T Vergoulis, D Sacharidis, T Dalamagas, Y Vassiliou
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33 (4), 1567-1584, 2019
On enhancing scalability for distributed RDF/S stores
G Tsatsanifos, D Sacharidis, T Sellis
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database …, 2011
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Articles 1–20