Theo van Ruijven, PhD
Theo van Ruijven, PhD
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The research and evaluation of serious games: Toward a comprehensive methodology
I Mayer, G Bekebrede, C Harteveld, H Warmelink, Q Zhou, T van Ruijven, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 45 (3), 502-527, 2014
Differences between LCA for analysis and LCA for policy: a case study on the consequences of allocation choices in bio-energy policies
T Wardenaar, T Van Ruijven, AM Beltran, K Vad, J Guinée, R Heijungs
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17, 1059-1067, 2012
The participatory design of a simulation training game
H Lukosch, T Van Ruijven, A Verbraeck
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1-11, 2012
& Wenzler
I Mayer, G Bekebrede, C Harteveld, H Warmelink, Q Zhou, T van Ruijven
I, 2014
Stealth assessment of teams in a digital game environment
I Mayer, D van Dierendonck, T Van Ruijven, I Wenzler
Games and Learning Alliance: Second International Conference, GALA 2013 …, 2014
Serious games as experiments for emergency management research: a review
T van Ruijven
ISCRAM 2011: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information …, 2011
Building a virtual world for team work improvement
H Lukosch, B van Nuland, T van Ruijven, L van Veen, A Verbraeck
International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, 60-68, 2013
Contrasting stories on overcoming governance challenges: The implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in the Netherlands
J Van der Heijden, E ten Heuvelhof, B Broekhans, S van der Arend, ...
Local Environment 19 (3), 318-333, 2014
Understanding incentives for cybersecurity investments: Development and application of a typology
M Wessels, P van den Brink, T Verburgh, B Cadet, T van Ruijven
Digital Business 1 (2), 100014, 2021
The allocation problem in bio-electricity chains
A Mendoza, T van Ruijven, K Vad, T Wardenaar
Report of a Project Group as part of the MSc. Leiden, The Netherlands …, 2008
The dynamics of doping: L ance A rmstrong, the U nited S tates A nti‐D oping A gency and the regulatory governance of professional cycling
H de Bruijn, M Groenleer, T van Ruijven
Regulation & Governance 10 (3), 284-297, 2016
The GFCE-MERIDIAN good practice guide on critical information infrastructure protection for governmental policy-makers
HAM Luiijf, TCC van Schie, TWJ van Ruijven, AWW Huistra
TNO, 2016
Multidisciplinary coordination of on-scene command teams in virtual emergency exercises
T van Ruijven, I Mayer, M de Bruijne
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 9, 13-23, 2015
The other city-Designing a serious game for crisis training in close protection.
HK Lukosch, T Van Ruijven, A Verbraeck
ISCRAM, 2012
Wenzler I. 2014
I Mayer, G Bekebrede, C Harteveld, H Warmelink, Q Zhou, T Van Ruijven
The research and evaluation of serious games: Toward a comprehensive …, 0
Companion Document to the GFCE-Meridian Good practice guide on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection for governmental policy makers
HAM Luiijf, TCC van Schie, TWJ van Ruijven
TNO, 2017
Critical infrastructure resilience: bridging the gap between measuring and governance
H Duijnhoven, A Nieuwenhuijs, P van den Brink, D Stolk, T van Ruijven
7th REA Symposium 141, 198, 2017
Multidisciplinary emergency management: A comparative study of coordination and performance of on-scene command teams in virtual reality exercises
T van Ruijven
Delft University of Technology, 2016
Een dynamisch oordeelsvormingsproces: Een beschrijvend onderzoek naar situationele oordeelsvorming in het crisismanagementdomein
JMC Schraagen, K van Buul-Besseling, TWJ van Ruijven, L de Koning
Soesterberg: TNO, 2015
The dynamics of doping: Lance Armstrong, USADA and the regulation and governance of professional cycling
M Groenleer, H de Bruijn, T van Ruijven
Regulation & Governance, 2015
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Articles 1–20