Cited by
Cited by
Deep vessel segmentation by learning graphical connectivity
SY Shin, S Lee, ID Yun, KM Lee
Medical image analysis 58, 101556, 2019
Color image segmentation based on 3-D clustering: morphological approach
SH Park, ID Yun, SU Lee
Pattern Recognition 31 (8), 1061-1076, 1998
Joint weakly and semi-supervised deep learning for localization and classification of masses in breast ultrasound images
SY Shin, S Lee, ID Yun, SM Kim, KM Lee
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (3), 762-774, 2018
Residual error based anomaly detection using auto-encoder in SMD machine sound
DY Oh, ID Yun
Sensors 18 (5), 1308, 2018
Random tree walk toward instantaneous 3d human pose estimation
H Yub Jung, S Lee, Y Seok Heo, I Dong Yun
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Registration of multiple-range views using the reverse-calibration technique
DH Chung, ID Yun, SU Lee
Pattern Recognition 31 (4), 457-464, 1998
Color image retrieval using hybrid graph representation
IK Park, ID Yun, SU Lee
Image and Vision Computing 17 (7), 465-474, 1999
Digital presenter for displaying image captured by camera with illumination system
ID Yun
US Patent 8,736,751, 2014
Surveillance system
ID Yun
US Patent 8,564,667, 2013
Constructing NURBS surface model from scattered and unorganized range data
IK Park, ID Yun, SU Lee
Second International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (Cat. No …, 1999
On the fixed-point-error analysis of several fast DCT algorithms
ID Yun, SU Lee
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 3 (1), 27-41, 1993
Partial policy-based reinforcement learning for anatomical landmark localization in 3d medical images
WA Al, ID Yun
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (4), 1245-1255, 2019
Optimization of local shape and appearance probabilities for segmentation of knee cartilage in 3-D MR images
S Lee, SH Park, H Shim, ID Yun, SU Lee
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (12), 1710-1720, 2011
A new shape decomposition scheme for graph-based representation
DH Kim, ID Yun, SU Lee
Pattern Recognition 38 (5), 673-689, 2005
On the regular structure for the fast 2-D DCT algorithm
NI Cho, ID Yun, SU Lee
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 1993
Robust segmentation of cerebral arterial segments by a sequential Monte Carlo method: Particle filtering
H Shim, D Kwon, ID Yun, SU Lee
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 84 (2-3), 135-145, 2006
Nonrigid Image Registration Using Dynamic Higher-Order MRF Model
D Kwon, KJ Lee, ID Yun, SU Lee
Computer Vision–ECCV 2008: 10th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2008
Fingerprint matching method using minutiae clustering and warping
D Kwon, ID Yun, DH Kim, SU Lee
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 4, 525-528, 2006
Low apparent diffusion coefficient cluster-based analysis of diffusion-weighted MRI for prognostication of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors
J Kim, K Kim, S Hong, B Kwon, ID Yun, BS Choi, C Jung, JH Lee, YH Jo, ...
Resuscitation 84 (10), 1393-1399, 2013
Fast adaptive RNN encoder–decoder for anomaly detection in SMD assembly machine
YH Park, ID Yun
Sensors 18 (10), 3573, 2018
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Articles 1–20