Jeremy T. Barksdale
Jeremy T. Barksdale
Computer Science PhD and MPA, Virginia Tech
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Cited by
Human–computer interaction and international public policymaking: a framework for understanding and taking future actions
J Lazar, J Abascal, S Barbosa, J Barksdale, B Friedman, J Grossklags, ...
Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction 9 (2), 69-149, 2016
Asynchronous video threads
D Fisher, A Hoff, M Czerwinski, KI Quinn, J Barksdale, P Johns, ...
US Patent 8,635,293, 2014
Software product innovation in agile usability teams: an analytical framework of social capital, network governance, and usability knowledge management
JT Barksdale, DS McCrickard
International Journal of Agile and Extreme Software Development 1 (1), 52-77, 2012
Easing team politics in agile usability: A concept mapping approach
JT Barksdale, ED Ragan, DS McCrickard
2009 Agile Conference, 19-25, 2009
Video threads: asynchronous video sharing for temporally distributed teams
J Barksdale, K Inkpen, M Czerwinski, A Hoff, P Johns, A Roseway, ...
Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2012
Concept mapping in agile usability: a case study
JT Barksdale, DS McCrickard
CHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4691-4694, 2010
Understanding Cool: An Analytic Exploration of Contributing Factors for Teens.
DS McCrickard, J Barksdale, F Doswell
PsychNology Journal 10 (2), 2012
others. 2016
J Lazar, J Abascal, S Barbosa, J Barksdale, B Friedman, J Grossklags, ...
Human–computer interaction and international public policymaking: a …, 2016
A secure web application: 3D visualization and collaboration
H Yu, J Zhang, L Wang, J Barksdale
Proceeding of Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 408, 2003
Developing a secure geospatial visualization and collaboration system using software engineering technology
H Yu, L Wang, J Zhang, J Barksdale, X Yuan
International Journal of Computers and Applications 28 (4), 350-358, 2006
Human-computer interaction and international public policymaking: a framework for understanding and taking future actions. Found. Trends Human-Comput. Interact. 9 (2), 69–149 …
J Lazar, J Abascal, S Barbosa, J Barksdale, B Friedman, J Grossklags, ...
Understanding Cool in Computing for African-American Youth
DS McCrickard, F Doswell, J Barksdale, D Piggott
ACM CHI Workshop on Cool aX Continents, Cultures and Communities, 2012
Social Integration in Agile User Experience: Building Social Capital in Agile User Experience Software Teams
JT Barksdale
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2013
Human–Computer Interaction and International Public Policymaking: A Framework for Understanding and Taking Future Actions1
J Abascal, S Barbosa, J Barksdale, B Friedman, J Grossklags, T McEwan, ...
Interaction 9 (2), 69-149, 2015
AttackAids@ A&T, nκ-HIV docking, and X-TOOLSS
GV Dozier, KS Bryant, J Barksdale, SY Huang, X Zou, A Garrett, G Tann, ...
19th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, MAICS …, 2008
Developing Visualization Modules Using Design Pattern Technology
H Yu, L Wang, J Zhang, J Barksdale
will appear in the Proc. of IASTED Int. Conf. On Data Modeling and Simulation, 2004
Developing visualization modules using design pattern technology
AY Huiming, L Wang, J Zhang, J Barksdale
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and …, 2004
A Platform Independent 3D Visualization System
H Yu, L Wang, J Zhang, J Barksdale, D Rutschman
System 396, 233, 2003
A secure web application
H Yu, J Zhang, L Wang, J Barksdale
Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Communications …, 2003
Leveraging Pods as a Pedagogy Tool to Facilitate Multicultural Collaborative Undergraduate Research in Multi-University Partnerships
G Dozier, J Barksdale, K Bryant, DS McCrickard, M Biggers
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Articles 1–20