Shuaicheng Liu
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Super resolution using edge prior and single image detail synthesis
YW Tai, S Liu, MS Brown, S Lin
CVPR2010; Code: http://www.liushuaicheng.org/CVPR2010/index.html, 2400-2407, 2010
Deeplidar: Deep surface normal guided depth prediction for outdoor scene from sparse lidar data and single color image
J Qiu, Z Cui, Y Zhang, X Zhang, S Liu, B Zeng, M Pollefeys
CVPR2019; Code: https://github.com/JiaxiongQ/DeepLiDAR, 3313-3322, 2019
Bundled camera paths for video stabilization
S Liu, L Yuan, P Tan, J Sun
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG); http://www.liushuaicheng.org …, 2013
Practical stereo matching via cascaded recurrent network with adaptive correlation
J Li, P Wang, P Xiong, T Cai, Z Yan, L Yang, J Liu, H Fan, S Liu
CVPR2022;Code: https://github.com/megvii-research/CREStereo, 16263-16272, 2022
NBNet: Noise Basis Learning for Image Denoising with Subspace Projection
S Cheng, Y Wang, H Huang, D Liu, H Fan, S Liu
CVPR2021; Code: https://github.com/megvii-research/NBNet, 4896-4906, 2021
SteadyFlow: Spatially Smooth Optical Flow for Video Stabilization
S Liu, L Yuan, P Tan, J Sun
CVPR2014; Project: http://www.liushuaicheng.org/CVPR2014/index.html, 4209-4216, 2014
A hierarchical approach for rain or snow removing in a single color image
Y Wang, S Liu, C Chen, B Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (8), 3936-3950, 2017
Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching: Reconstructing Stitched Features to Images
L Nie, C Lin, K Liao, S Liu, Y Zhao
IEEE TIP; Code: https://github.com/nie-lang/UnsupervisedDeepImageStitching …, 2021
Content-aware unsupervised deep homography estimation
J Zhang, C Wang, S Liu, L Jia, N Ye, J Wang, J Zhou, J Sun
ECCV2020; Code: https://github.com/JirongZhang/DeepHomography, 653-669, 2020
Dast: Data-free substitute training for adversarial attacks
M Zhou, J Wu, Y Liu, S Liu, C Zhu
CVPR2020; Code: https://github.com/zhoumingyi/DaST, 234-243, 2020
OMNet: Learning Overlapping Mask for Partial-to-Partial Point Cloud Registration
H Xu, S Liu, G Wang, G Liu, B Zeng
ICCV2021; Code: https://github.com/megvii-research/OMNet, 2021
Meshflow: Minimum latency online video stabilization
S Liu, P Tan, L Yuan, J Sun, B Zeng
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Video stabilization with a depth camera
S Liu, Y Wang, L Yuan, J Bu, P Tan, J Sun
CVPR2012; Project: http://www.liushuaicheng.org/CVPR2012/index.html, 89-95, 2012
NTIRE 2023 challenge on efficient super-resolution: Methods and results
Y Li, Y Zhang, R Timofte, L Van Gool, L Yu, Y Li, X Li, T Jiang, Q Wu, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Low-light image enhancement with wavelet-based diffusion models
H Jiang, A Luo, H Fan, S Han, S Liu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Code: https://github.com/JianghaiSCU …, 2023
Svga-net: Sparse voxel-graph attention network for 3d object detection from point clouds
Q He, Z Wang, H Zeng, Y Zeng, Y Liu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (1), 870-878, 2022
Deep constrained least squares for blind image super-resolution
Z Luo, H Huang, L Yu, Y Li, H Fan, S Liu
CVPR2022; Code: https://github.com/megvii-research/DCLS-SR, 17642-17652, 2022
Joint video stitching and stabilization from moving cameras
H Guo, S Liu, T He, S Zhu, B Zeng, M Gabbouj
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; Project: http://www.liushuaicheng.org …, 2016
ADNet: Attention-guided deformable convolutional network for high dynamic range imaging
Z Liu, W Lin, X Li, Q Rao, T Jiang, M Han, H Fan, J Sun, S Liu
CVPRW2021; Code: https://github.com/liuzhen03/ADNet, 463-470, 2021
Holistic 3D Scene Understanding from a Single Image with Implicit Representation
C Zhang, Z Cui, Y Zhang, B Zeng, M Pollefeys, S Liu
CVPR2021; Code: https://github.com/chengzhag/Implicit3DUnderstanding, 8833-8842, 2021
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