Thomas Magedanz
Thomas Magedanz
Technische Universität Berlin / Fraunhofer FOKUS
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Service function chaining in next generation networks: State of the art and research challenges
AM Medhat, T Taleb, A Elmangoush, GA Carella, S Covaci, T Magedanz
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (2), 216-223, 2016
Intelligent agents: An emerging technology for next generation telecommunications?
T Magedanz, K Rothermel, S Krause
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'96. Conference on Computer Communications 2, 464-472, 1996
EASE: EPC as a service to ease mobile core network deployment over cloud
T Taleb, M Corici, C Parada, A Jamakovic, S Ruffino, G Karagiannis, ...
IEEE Network 29 (2), 78-88, 2015
Mobile agents-enabling technology for active intelligent network implementation
M Breugst, T Magedanz
IEEE network 12 (3), 53-60, 1998
Intelligent Networks
T Magedanz
Survey of network security systems to counter SIP-based denial-of-service attacks
S Ehlert, D Geneiatakis, T Magedanz
computers & security 29 (2), 225-243, 2010
Grasshopper—A universal agent platform based on OMG MASIF and FIPA standards
C Baumer, M Breugst, S Choy, T Magedanz
First International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication …, 1999
Towards container orchestration in fog computing infrastructures
S Hoque, MS De Brito, A Willner, O Keil, T Magedanz
2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2017
Impacts of mobile agent technology on mobile communication system evolution
L Hagen, M Breugst, T Magedanz
IEEE Personal communications 5 (4), 56-69, 1998
The IMS playground@ FOKUS-an open testbed for generation network multimedia services
T Magedanz, D Witaszek, K Knuettel
First international conference on testbeds and research infrastructures for …, 2005
A service orchestration architecture for fog-enabled infrastructures
MS De Brito, S Hoque, T Magedanz, R Steinke, A Willner, D Nehls, ...
2017 Second International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC …, 2017
Evolution of SOA concepts in telecommunications
T Magedanz, N Blum, S Dutkowski
Computer 40 (11), 46-50, 2007
Mobile service agents enabling" intelligence on demand" in telecommunications
S Krause, T Magedanz
Proceedings of GLOBECOM'96. 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 1 …, 1996
Analysis and signature of Skype VoIP session traffic
S Ehlert, S Petgang, T Magedanz, D Sisalem
4th IASTED International, 2006
Cloudified IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) for network function virtualization (NFV)-based architectures
G Carella, M Corici, P Crosta, P Comi, TM Bohnert, AA Corici, ...
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 1-6, 2014
A mobile agent platform for IN based service environments
M Breugst, I Busse, S Covaci, T Magedanz
IN'98. 7th IEEE Intelligent Network Workshop Proceedings (Cat. No. 98TH8364 …, 1998
Mobile software agents: a new paradigm for telecommunications management
T Magedanz, T Eckardt
Proceedings of NOMS'96-IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium 2 …, 1996
Design aspects for a reference M2M communication platform for Smart Cities
A Elmangoush, H Coskun, S Wahle, T Magedanz
2013 9th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology …, 2013
Specification-based denial-of-service detection for sip voice-over-ip networks
S Ehlert, C Wang, T Magedanz, D Sisalem
2008 The third international conference on internet monitoring and …, 2008
Application of the fog computing paradigm to smart factories and cyber‐physical systems
MS de Brito, S Hoque, R Steinke, A Willner, T Magedanz
transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies 29 (4), e3184, 2018
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