Tracy Booysen
Tracy Booysen
University of Cape Town
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The development of a remote controlled, omnidirectional six legged walker with feedback
T Booysen, S Marais
2013 Africon, 1-6, 2013
Towards inexpensive robots for science & technology teaching and education in Africa
T Booysen, M Rieger, A Ferrein
IEEE Africon'11, 1-6, 2011
The Design of a Rugged, Low-Cost, Man-Packable Urban Search and Rescue Robotic System
TJ Mathew, G Knox, WK Fong, T Booysen, S Marais
Gait adaptation of a six legged walker to enable gripping
T Booysen, F Reiner
2015 Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and …, 2015
The Case for a General Purpose, First Response Rescue Robot
T Booysen, TJ Mathew
Why it is harder to run RoboCup in South Africa Experiences from German South African collaborations
A Ferrein, S Schiffer, T Booysen, R Stopforth
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 13 (5), 1729881416662789, 2016
Parafoil Flight Mechanics: A Novel Flight Test Facility
C Redelinghuys, S Rhodes, JL Adams, TD Booysen, AJ Grunwald
Design and Development of an Autonomous Duct Inspection and Mapping Robot
T Booysen
University of Cape Town, 2008
The Scarab Project
T Booysen, JT Mathew, G Knox, WK Fong, M Stüttgen, A Ferrein, ...
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