Lawrence Latif
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Cited by
Scalable peer-to-peer streaming for live entertainment content
E Mykoniati, R Landa, S Spirou, RG Clegg, L Latif, D Griffin, M Rio
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (12), 40-46, 2008
Distributed overlay anycast tables using space filling curves
E Mykoniati, L Latif, R Landa, B Yang, R Clegg, D Griffin, M Rio
IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2009, 1-6, 2009
Node Selection In Distributed Overlays
L Latif
UCL (University College London), 2013
Distributed Overlay Anycast Table using Space Filling Curves
L Latif, E Mykoniati, R Landa, B Yang, RG Clegg, D Griffin, M Rio
Multi recipient anycast routing
L Latif, E Mykoniati, R Landa, R Clegg, D Griffin, M Rio
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Articles 1–5