Janet Webster
Janet Webster
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A cognitive neuropsychological approach to assessment and intervention in aphasia: A clinician's guide
A Whitworth, J Webster, D Howard
Psychology Press, 2014
A core outcome set for aphasia treatment research: The ROMA consensus statement
SJ Wallace, L Worrall, T Rose, G Le Dorze, C Breitenstein, K Hilari, ...
International journal of stroke 14 (2), 180-185, 2019
Treating verbs in aphasia: exploring the impact of therapy at the single word and sentence levels
J Webster, A Whitworth
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 47 (6), 619-636, 2012
Is it time to stop “fishing”? A review of generalisation following aphasia intervention
J Webster, A Whitworth, J Morris
Aphasiology 29 (11), 1240-1264, 2015
Effects of therapy targeted at verb retrieval and the realisation of the predicate argument structure: A case study
J Webster, J Morris, S Franklin
Aphasiology 19 (8), 748-764, 2005
NARNIA: A new twist to an old tale. A pilot RCT to evaluate a multilevel approach to improving discourse in aphasia
A Whitworth, S Leitao, J Cartwright, J Webster, GJ Hankey, J Zach, ...
Aphasiology 29 (11), 1345-1382, 2015
Beyond narrative: Is there an implicit structure to the way in which adults organise their discourse?
A Whitworth, M Claessen, S Leitão, J Webster
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 29 (6), 455-481, 2015
An analysis of thematic and phrasal structure in people with aphasia: What more can we learn from the story of Cinderella?
J Webster, S Franklin, D Howard
Journal of Neurolinguistics 20 (5), 363-394, 2007
Information, support and training needs of relatives of people with aphasia: Evidence from the literature
R Hilton, S Leenhouts, J Webster, J Morris
Aphasiology 28 (7), 797-822, 2014
Text level reading comprehension in aphasia: What do we know about therapy and what do we need to know?
J Webster, J Morris, C Connor, R Horner, C McCormac, A Potts
Aphasiology 27 (11), 1362-1380, 2013
Reading for meaning: What influences paragraph understanding in aphasia?
J Webster, J Morris, D Howard, M Garraffa
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 27 (1S), 423-437, 2018
Reading comprehension difficulties in people with aphasia: Investigating personal perception of reading ability, practice, and difficulties
J Webster, J Morris, J Malone, D Howard
Aphasiology 35 (6), 805-823, 2021
Contrasting therapy effects for verb and sentence processing difficulties: A discussion of what worked and why
J Webster, B Gordon
Aphasiology 23 (10), 1231-1251, 2009
Investigating the sub‐processes involved in the production of thematic structure: An analysis of four people with aphasia
J Webster, S Franklin, D Howard
Aphasiology 18 (1), 47-68, 2004
An investigation of the interaction between thematic and phrasal structure in nonfluent agrammatic subjects
J Webster, S Franklin, D Howard
Brain and Language 78 (2), 197-211, 2001
Argument structure deficit in aphasia: It’s not all about verbs
A Whitworth, J Webster, D Howard
Aphasiology 29 (12), 1426-1447, 2015
Communicative informativeness in aphasia: Investigating the relationship between linguistic and perceptual measures
J Webster, J Morris
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 28 (3), 1115-1126, 2019
VAN: Verb and Noun Test
J Webster, H Bird
STASS, 2000
Category norm data and relationships with lexical frequency and typicality within verb semantic categories
C Plant, J Webster, A Whitworth
Behavior Research Methods 43 (2), 424-440, 2011
" The brain can't cope": Insights about reading from people with chronic aphasia
J Webster, A Samouelle, J Morris
PsyArXiv, 2018
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