Lei Bao
Cited by
Cited by
Multimedia classification and event detection using double fusion
Z Lan, L Bao, SI Yu, W Liu, AG Hauptmann
Multimedia tools and applications 71 (1), 333-347, 2014
Boosted Near-miss Under-sampling on SVM ensembles for concept detection in large-scale imbalanced datasets
L Bao, C Juan, J Li, Y Zhang
Neurocomputing 172, 198-206, 2016
Double fusion for multimedia event detection
Z Lan, L Bao, SI Yu, W Liu, AG Hauptmann
Advances in multimedia modeling, 173-185, 2012
Beyond audio and video retrieval: towards multimedia summarization
D Ding, F Metze, S Rawat, PF Schulam, S Burger, E Younessian, L Bao, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2, 2012
Informedia@ trecvid 2011
L Bao, SI Yu, Z Lan, A Overwijk, Q Jin, B Langner, M Garbus, S Burger, ...
TRECVID2011, NIST, 2011
Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation for video retrieval
B Feng, J Cao, X Bao, L Bao, Y Zhang, S Lin, X Yun
The Visual Computer 27 (1), 21-34, 2011
Informedia@ TRECVID2010.
H Li, L Bao, Z Gao, A Overwijk, W Liu, L Zhang, SI Yu, M Chen, F Metze, ...
Rushes Exploitation 2006 By CAS MCG
S Tang, YD Zhang, JT Li, XF Pan, T Xia, M Li, A Liu, L Bao, SC Liu, ...
TRECVID Workshop, 2006
Informedia@ trecvid 2011: Surveillance event detection
L Zhang, L Jiang, L Bao, S Takahashi, Y Li, A Hauptmann
TRECVid video retrieval evaluation workshop, Gaitherburg, 2011
Explicit and implicit concept-based video retrieval with bipartite graph propagation model
L Bao, J Cao, Y Zhang, J Li, M Chen, AG Hauptmann
Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia, 939-942, 2010
VideoMap: an interactive video retrieval system of MCG-ICT-CAS
J Cao, YD Zhang, JB Guo, L Bao, JT Li
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 53, 2009
Document clustering based on spectral clustering and non-negative matrix factorization
L Bao, S Tang, J Li, Y Zhang, W Ye
New Frontiers in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 149-158, 2008
Trecvid 2009 of mcg-ict-cas
J Cao, YD Zhang, BL Feng, L Bao, L Pang, JT Li, K Gao, X Wu, HT Xie, ...
TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Online Proceedings, 2009
Locally non-negative linear structure learning for interactive image retrieval
L Bao, J Cao, T Xia, YD Zhang, J Li
Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 557-560, 2009
Towards hierarchical context: unfolding visual community potential for interactive video retrieval
L Pang, J Cao, L Bao, Y Zhang, S Lin
Multimedia Tools and Applications 55 (1), 151-178, 2011
TRECVID 2006 Rushes Exploitation By CAS MCG
S Tang, YD Zhang, JT Li, XF Pan, T Xia, M Li, A Liu, L Bao, SC Liu, ...
Proc. TRECVID Workshop, 2006
J Cao, YD Zhang, BL Feng, L Bao, L Pang, JT Li, K Gao, X Wu, HT Xie, ...
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