Christian von Sikorski
Christian von Sikorski
Assistant Professor (tenure track), University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
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Cited by
The role of (social) media in political polarization: a systematic review
E Kubin, C Von Sikorski
Annals of the International Communication Association 45 (3), 188-206, 2021
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
JJ Van Bavel, A Cichocka, V Capraro, H Sjåstad, JB Nezlek, T Pavlović, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 517, 2022
The “spiral of silence” revisited: A meta-analysis on the relationship between perceptions of opinion support and political opinion expression
J Matthes, J Knoll, C von Sikorski
Communication Research 45 (1), 3-33, 2018
Visual mis-and disinformation, social media, and democracy
V Dan, B Paris, J Donovan, M Hameleers, J Roozenbeek, ...
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 98 (3), 641-664, 2021
“Muslims are not Terrorists”: Islamic State Coverage, Journalistic Differentiation Between Terrorism and Islam, Fear Reactions, and Attitudes Toward Muslims
C von Sikorski, D Schmuck, J Matthes, A Binder
Mass Communication and Society 20 (6), 825-848, 2017
Political scandals as a democratic challenge| The aftermath of political scandals: A meta-analysis
C Von Sikorski
International journal of communication 12, 25, 2018
A meta-analysis of the effects of cross-cutting exposure on political participation
J Matthes, J Knoll, S Valenzuela, DN Hopmann, C Von Sikorski
Political Communication 36 (4), 523-542, 2019
Scandal 2.0: How valenced reader comments affect recipients’ perception of scandalized individuals and the journalistic quality of online news
C Von Sikorski, M Hänelt
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 93 (3), 551-571, 2016
Terror, terror everywhere? How terrorism news shape support for anti‐Muslim policies as a function of perceived threat severity and controllability
J Matthes, D Schmuck, C von Sikorski
Political Psychology 40 (5), 935-951, 2019
How political scandals affect the electorate. Tracing the eroding and spillover effects of scandals with a panel study
C von Sikorski, R Heiss, J Matthes
Political Psychology 41 (3), 549-568, 2020
Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries
F Azevedo, T Pavlović, GG Rêgo, FC Ay, B Gjoneska, TW Etienne, ...
Scientific data 10 (1), 272, 2023
The Islamic State in the news: Journalistic differentiation of Islamist terrorism from Islam, terror news proximity, and Islamophobic attitudes
C Von Sikorski, J Matthes, D Schmuck
Communication Research 48 (2), 203-232, 2021
Visual news framing and effects on recipients’ attitudes toward athletes with physical disabilities
C Von Sikorski, T Schierl, C Möller, KP Oberhäuser
International Journal of Sport Communication 5 (1), 69-86, 2012
Political scandals as a democratic challenge: From important revelations to provocations, trivialities, and neglect. Introduction
S Allern, S Christian
International journal of communication 12, 3014-3023, 2018
A new look at celebrity endorsements in politics: Investigating the impact of scandalous celebrity endorsers and politicians’ best responses
C von Sikorski, J Knoll, J Matthes
Media Psychology 21 (3), 403-436, 2018
Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning
T Pavlović, F Azevedo, K De, JC Riaño-Moreno, M Maglić, T Gkinopoulos, ...
PNAS nexus 1 (3), pgac093, 2022
The effects of reader comments on the perception of personalized scandals: Exploring the roles of comment valence and commenters’ social status
C Von Sikorski
International Journal of Communication 10, 22, 2016
Populist Twitter posts in news stories: Statement recognition and the polarizing effects on candidate evaluation and anti-immigrant attitudes
R Heiss, C von Sikorski, J Matthes
Journalism Practice 13 (6), 742-758, 2019
Who differentiates between Muslims and Islamist terrorists in terrorism news coverage? An actor-based approach
J Matthes, R Kaskeleviciute, D Schmuck, C von Sikorski, C Klobasa, ...
Journalism Studies 21 (15), 2135-2153, 2020
Not practicing what they preached! Exploring negative spillover effects of news about ex-politicians’ hypocrisy on party attitudes, voting intentions, and political trust
C von Sikorski, C Herbst
Media Psychology 23 (3), 436-460, 2020
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Articles 1–20