Exact conditions in finite-temperature density-functional theory S Pittalis, CR Proetto, A Floris, A Sanna, C Bersier, K Burke, EKU Gross
Physical review letters 107 (16), 163001, 2011
120 2011 First-principles approach to noncollinear magnetism: Towards spin dynamics S Sharma, JK Dewhurst, C Ambrosch-Draxl, S Kurth, N Helbig, S Pittalis, ...
Physical review letters 98 (19), 196405, 2007
118 2007 Thermal density functional theory in context A Pribram-Jones, S Pittalis, EKU Gross, K Burke
Frontiers and Challenges in Warm Dense Matter, 25-60, 2014
89 * 2014 The elk FP-LAPW code K Dewhurst, S Sharma, L Nordstrom, F Cricchio, F Bultmark, H Gross, ...
ELK, http://elk. sourceforge. net, 2016
77 * 2016 Universal correction for the Becke–Johnson exchange potential E Räsänen, S Pittalis, CR Proetto
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (4), 044112, 2010
71 2010 Hartree and exchange in ensemble density functional theory: Avoiding the nonuniqueness disaster T Gould, S Pittalis
Physical review letters 119 (24), 243001, 2017
70 2017 Locality of correlation in density functional theory K Burke, A Cancio, T Gould, S Pittalis
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (5), 2016
57 * 2016 Electron-electron interactions in artificial graphene E Räsänen, CA Rozzi, S Pittalis, G Vignale
Physical review letters 108 (24), 246803, 2012
52 2012 Lower bounds on the exchange-correlation energy in reduced dimensions E Räsänen, S Pittalis, K Capelle, CR Proetto
Physical review letters 102 (20), 206406, 2009
52 2009 Density-driven correlations in many-electron ensembles: theory and application for excited states T Gould, S Pittalis
Physical review letters 123, 016401, 2019
51 2019 Exchange-energy functionals for finite two-dimensional systems S Pittalis, E Räsänen, N Helbig, EKU Gross
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (23), 235314, 2007
48 2007 Charge transfer excitations from exact and approximate ensemble Kohn-Sham theory T Gould, L Kronik, S Pittalis
The Journal of chemical physics 148 (17), 2018
47 2018 Becke-Johnson-type exchange potential for two-dimensional systems S Pittalis, E Räsänen, CR Proetto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (11), 115108, 2010
46 2010 Gaussian approximations for the exchange-energy functional of current-carrying states: Applications to two-dimensional systems S Pittalis, E Räsänen, EKU Gross
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (3), 032515, 2009
46 2009 Understanding real-time time-dependent density-functional theory simulations of ultrafast laser-induced dynamics in organic molecules J Krumland, AM Valencia, S Pittalis, CA Rozzi, C Cocchi
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (5), 2020
42 2020 gauge invariance made simple for density functional approximationsS Pittalis, G Vignale, FG Eich
Physical Review B 96 (3), 035141, 2017
42 2017 Phononic self-energy effects and superconductivity in CaC A Sanna, S Pittalis, JK Dewhurst, M Monni, S Sharma, G Ummarino, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (18), 184514, 2012
42 2012 Comparison of exact-exchange calculations for solids in current-spin-density-and spin-density-functional theory S Sharma, S Pittalis, S Kurth, S Shallcross, JK Dewhurst, EKU Gross
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (10), 100401, 2007
42 2007 Ensemble reduced density matrix functional theory for excited states and hierarchical generalization of Pauli’s exclusion principle C Schilling, S Pittalis
Physical Review Letters 127 (2), 023001, 2021
41 2021 The role of Coulomb interaction in the superconducting properties of CaC6 and H under pressure S Massidda, F Bernardini, C Bersier, A Continenza, P Cudazzo, A Floris, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 22 (3), 034006, 2009
40 2009