Brian Dillon
Brian Dillon
Assistant Professor, Dyson School, Cornell University
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Cited by
Cited by
Global oil prices and local food prices: Evidence from East Africa
BM Dillon, CB Barrett
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98 (1), 154-171, 2016
Agricultural factor markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: An updated view with formal tests for market failure
B Dillon, CB Barrett
Food policy 67, 64-77, 2017
Using mobile phones to collect panel data in developing countries
B Dillon
Journal of International Development, 2012
How competitive are crop markets in sub‐Saharan Africa?
B Dillon, C Dambro
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99 (5), 1344-1361, 2017
Widows' land rights and agricultural investment
B Dillon, A Voena
Journal of Development Economics 135, 449-460, 2018
Selling crops early to pay for school: A large-scale natural experiment in Malawi
B Dillon
Journal of Human Resources 56 (4), 1296-1325, 2021
Asymmetric Non-Separation and Rural Labor Markets
B Dillon, P Brummund, G Mwabu
Growing and learning when consumption is seasonal: long-term evidence from Tanzania
P Christian, B Dillon
Demography 55, 1091-1118, 2018
Agricultural factor markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: an updated view with formal tests for market failure
B Dillon, CB Barrett
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
eKichabi: information access through basic mobile phones in rural Tanzania
G Weld, T Perrier, J Aker, JE Blumenstock, B Dillon, A Kamanzi, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Yellow pages: Information, connections, and firm performance
B Dillon, J Aker, J Blumenstock
Economic Journal, forthcoming, 2024
Paying More for Less: Why Don’t Households in Tanzania Take Advantage of Bulk Discounts?
B Dillon, J De Weerdt, T O’Donoghue
The World Bank Economic Review 35 (1), 148-179, 2021
Private information and dynamic risk
B Dillon
Mimeo, 2016
The structural transformation of rural Africa: On the current state of African food systems and rural nonfarm economies
C Barrett, L Christiaensen, M Sheahan, A Shimeles, BM Reardon, ...
A paper prepared for the African economic research consortium’s bieannual …, 2015
Search Costs and Relational Contracting
J Rudder, B Dillon
Working Paper, 2024
Demand, supply and long-term adoption: Evidence from a storage technology in West Africa
JC Aker, B Dillon, CJ Welch
Journal of Development Economics 165, 103129, 2023
Experimental evidence on the impact of payments and property rights on forest user decisions
OS Rakotonarivo, A Bell, B Dillon, AB Duthie, A Kipchumba, ...
Frontiers in Conservation Science 2, 661987, 2021
From Grasshoppers to Secondhand Cars: Understanding the Smartphone-Enabled Marketplace in Peri-urban Tanzania
A Raghunath, L Krovetz, H Mpogole, H Mulisa, B Dillon, R Anderson
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
Measuring subjective probability distributions
B Dillon
working paper, 2016
How complete are labor markets in East Africa
B Dillon, P Brummund, G Mwabu
Evidence from Panel Data in Four Countries. GLM| LIC Working Paper, 2017
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Articles 1–20