Dr. Syed Thouheed Ahmed
Dr. Syed Thouheed Ahmed
Post.Doc.(2023-24), IIT Hyderabad | Associate Professor, SoCIT, REVA University, Bengaluru, India.
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Cited by
Cited by
A Deep Convolutional Neural Network based Computer Aided Diagnosis System for the Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease in MRI Images
V Sathiyamoorthi, AK Ilavarasi, K Murugeswari, ST Ahmed, BA Devi, ...
Measurement 171, 108838, 2021
An Edge–IoT Framework and Prototype based on Blockchain for Smart Healthcare Applications
NK Al-Shammari, A Syed Thouheed, MB Syed
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 11 (4), 7326-7331, 2021
AITel: eHealth augmented-intelligence-based telemedicine resource recommendation framework for IoT devices in smart cities
ST Ahmed, VV Kumar, JY Kim
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (21), 18461-18468, 2023
Telemedicine approach for Remote Patient monitoring system using smart phones with an economical hardware kit
ST Ahmed, K Thanuja
IEEE, 2016
6G enabled federated learning for secure IoMT resource recommendation and propagation analysis
ST Ahmed, VV Kumar, KK Singh, A Singh, V Muthukumaran, D Gupta
Computers and Electrical Engineering 102, 108210, 2022
A generalized study on data mining and clustering algorithms
ST Ahmed, S Sreedhar Kumar, B Anusha, P Bhumika, M Gunashree, ...
New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-inspired Computing: Selected …, 2020
Investigative protocol design of layer optimized image compression in telemedicine environment
ST Ahmed, S Sankar
Procedia Computer Science 167, 2617-2622, 2020
A Dynamic MooM Dataset Processing Under TelMED Protocol Design for QoS Improvisation of Telemedicine Environment
ST Ahmed, M Sandhya, S Sankar
Journal of Medical Systems 43 (8), 257, 2019
Two phase cluster validation approach towards measuring cluster quality in unstructured and structured numerical datasets
SS Kumar, ST Ahmed, P Vigneshwaran, H Sandeep, HM Singh
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12, 7581-7594, 2021
TelMED: dynamic user clustering resource allocation technique for MooM datasets under optimizing telemedicine network
ST Ahmed, M Sandhya, S Sankar
Wireless Personal Communications 112 (2), 1061-1077, 2020
An investigative study on motifs extracted features on real time big-data signals
ST Ahmed, KK Patil
2016 international conference on emerging technological trends (ICETT), 1-4, 2016
Neural Network Based Mental Depression Identification and Sentiments Classification Technique From Speech Signals: A COVID-19 Focused Pandemic Study
ST Ahmed, DK Singh, SM Basha, EA Nasr, AK Kamrani, MK Aboudaif
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 2021
Cardiac Stroke Prediction Framework using Hybrid Optimization Algorithm under DNN
NK Al-Shammari, AA Alzamil, M Albadarn, ST Ahmed, MB Syed, ...
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 11 (4), 7436-7441, 2021
A study on multi objective optimal clustering techniques for medical datasets
ST Ahmed
2017 international conference on intelligent computing and control systems …, 2017
An optimized RTSRV machine learning algorithm for biomedical signal transmission and regeneration for telemedicine environment
ST Ahmed, M Sandhya, S Sankar
Procedia Computer Science 152, 140-149, 2019
Multi-objective optimal medical data informatics standardization and processing technique for telemedicine via machine learning approach
ST Ahmed, S Sankar, M Sandhya
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12 (5), 5349-5358, 2021
A proactive model to predict osteoporosis: An artificial immune system approach
K Periasamy, S Periasamy, S Velayutham, Z Zhang, ST Ahmed, ...
Expert Systems, 2021
COVID-19 outbreak based coronary heart diseases (CHD) prediction using SVM and risk factor validation. In 2021 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT …
SS LK, ST Ahmed, K Anitha, MK Pushpa
IEEE, 2021
Real-time biomedical recursive images detection algorithm for Indian telemedicine environment
S Thouheed Ahmed, M Sandhya
Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing: Proceeding of CISC 2017, 723-731, 2019
An edge-AI-enabled autonomous connected ambulance-route resource recommendation protocol (ACA-R3) for eHealth in smart cities
ST Ahmed, SM Basha, M Ramachandran, M Daneshmand, AH Gandomi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (13), 11497-11506, 2023
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Articles 1–20