Nele Dexters
Nele Dexters
Staff Member Bibliometrics, Dept. Research Affairs and Innovation, University of Antwerp
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Mining frequent itemsets in a stream
T Calders, N Dexters, JJM Gillis, B Goethals
Information Systems 39, 233-255, 2014
Mining frequent items in a stream using flexible windows
T Calders, N Dexters, B Goethals
Intelligent Data Analysis 12 (3), 293-304, 2008
Group size, h-index, and efficiency in publishing in top journals explain expert panel assessments of research group quality and productivity
TCE Engels, P Goos, N Dexters, EHJ Spruyt
Research Evaluation 22 (4), 224-236, 2013
Predatory open access journals in a performance-based funding model: Common Journals in Bealls list and in the VABB-SHW
A Rahman, N Dexters, TCE Engels
A probability analysis for candidate-based frequent itemset algorithms
N Dexters, PW Purdom, D Van Gucht
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 541-545, 2006
Correlations of assessments of research group quality and productivity with group size, output numbers, and normalized impact
TCE Engels, N Dexters, B Houben
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology …, 2012
Theoretical bounds on the size of condensed representations
N Dexters, T Calders
Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases: Third International Workshop …, 2005
Peak-jumping frequent itemset mining algorithms
N Dexters, PW Purdom, D Van Gucht
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2006: 10th European Conference on …, 2006
A new support measure for items in streams.
T Calders, N Dexters, B Goethals
Monde des Util. Anal. Données 36, 37-41, 2007
An Analysis of Mining Algorithms in Databases and Streams
N Dexters
Universiteit Antwerpen. Faculteit Wetenschappen. Departement Wiskunde …, 2007
Mining frequent items in a stream using flexible windows
B GOETHALS, T Calders, N Dexters
Approximating the Probability of an Itemset being Frequent
N Dexters
University of Antwerp, Technical Report 2005 3, 2005
Statistics in Data Mining: Finding Frequent Patterns
N Dexters
A Probability Analysis for Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithms
N Dexters
Statistical Explanation of the Influence of Noise on Apriori
N Dexters
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