Dan Zhou
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Causes and consequences of the loss of serotonergic presynapses elicited by the consumption of 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA,“ecstasy”) and its congeners
G Huether, D Zhou, E Rüther
Journal of Neural Transmission 104, 771-794, 1997
Mechanisms Underlying Hypoxia Tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster: hairy as a Metabolic Switch
D Zhou, J Xue, JCK Lai, NJ Schork, KP White, GG Haddad
PLoS genetics 4 (10), e1000221, 2008
Whole-genome sequencing uncovers the genetic basis of chronic mountain sickness in Andean highlanders
D Zhou, N Udpa, R Ronen, T Stobdan, J Liang, O Appenzeller, HW Zhao, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 93 (3), 452-462, 2013
Experimental selection of hypoxia-tolerant Drosophila melanogaster
D Zhou, N Udpa, M Gersten, DAW Visk, A Bashir, J Xue, KA Frazer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (6), 2349-2354, 2011
Acute disruption of select steroid receptor coactivators prevents reproductive behavior in rats and unmasks genetic adaptation in knockout mice
EM Apostolakis, M Ramamurphy, D Zhou, S Oñate, BW O’Malley
Molecular Endocrinology 16 (7), 1511-1523, 2002
High-altitude adaptation in humans: from genomics to integrative physiology
P Azad, T Stobdan, D Zhou, I Hartley, A Akbari, V Bafna, GG Haddad
Journal of Molecular Medicine 95, 1269-1282, 2017
Intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia, a hallmark of obstructive sleep apnea, alters the gut microbiome and metabolome
A Tripathi, AV Melnik, J Xue, O Poulsen, MJ Meehan, G Humphrey, ...
Msystems 3 (3), 10.1128/msystems. 00020-18, 2018
Experimental selection for Drosophila survival in extremely low O2 environment.
D Zhou, J Xue, J Chen, P Morcillo, JD Lambert, KP White, GG Haddad
PLoS ONE 2 (5), 2007
Whole genome sequencing of Ethiopian highlanders reveals conserved hypoxia tolerance genes
N Udpa, R Ronen, D Zhou, J Liang, T Stobdan, O Appenzeller, Y Yin, ...
Genome Biol 15 (2), R36, 2014
Gene expression and phenotypic characterization of mouse heart after chronic constant or intermittent hypoxia
C Fan, DA Iacobas, D Zhou, Q Chen, JK Lai, O Gavrialov, GG Haddad
Physiological genomics 22 (3), 292-307, 2005
Distinct mechanisms underlying tolerance to intermittent and constant hypoxia in Drosophila melanogaster
P Azad, D Zhou, E Russo, GG Haddad
PLoS One 4 (4), e5371, 2009
Hypoxia-adaptation involves mitochondrial metabolic depression and decreased ROS leakage
SS Ali, M Hsiao, HW Zhao, LL Dugan, GG Haddad, D Zhou
PloS one 7 (5), e36801, 2012
Intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia accelerate atherosclerosis, partially via trimethylamine-oxide
J Xue, D Zhou, O Poulsen, T Imamura, YH Hsiao, TH Smith, A Malhotra, ...
American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 57 (5), 581-588, 2017
Influence of olfactory bulbectomy and subsequent imipramine treatment on 5-hydroxytryptaminergic presynapses in the rat frontal cortex: behavioural correlates
G Grecksch, D Zhou, C Franke, U Schröder, B Sabel, A Becker, G Huether
British journal of pharmacology 122 (8), 1725, 1997
Metabolism as means for hypoxia adaptation: metabolic profiling and flux balance analysis
JD Feala, L Coquin, D Zhou, GG Haddad, G Paternostro, AD McCulloch
BMC systems biology 3, 1-15, 2009
Long-term food restriction down-regulates the density of serotonin transporters in the rat frontal cortex
G Huether, D Zhou, S Schmidt, J Wiltfang, E Rüther
Biological psychiatry 41 (12), 1174-1180, 1997
Antimicrobial peptides increase tolerance to oxidant stress in Drosophila melanogaster
HW Zhao, D Zhou, GG Haddad
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (8), 6211-6218, 2011
Long-lasting changes in DNA methylation following short-term hypoxic exposure in primary hippocampal neuronal cultures.
I Hartley, FF Elkhoury, SJ Heon, B Xie, X Gu, Y Gao, D Zhou, GG Haddad
PLoS One 8 (10), e77859, 2013
Serotonergic hyperinnervation of the frontal cortex in an animal model of depression, the bulbectomized rat
D Zhou, G Grecksch, A Becker, C Frank, J Pilz, G Huether
Journal of neuroscience research 54 (1), 109-116, 1998
CB1 cannabinoid receptor‐mediated neurite remodeling in mouse neuroblastoma N1E‐115 cells
D Zhou, ZH Song
Journal of neuroscience research 65 (4), 346-353, 2001
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