Kathi Jo Jankowski
Kathi Jo Jankowski
Research Ecologist, US Geological Survey
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Cited by
Effects of an invasive cattail species (Typha × glauca) on sediment nitrogen and microbial community composition in a freshwater wetland
NL Angeloni, KJ Jankowski, NC Tuchman, JJ Kelly
FEMS microbiology letters 263 (1), 86-92, 2006
Riding the crimson tide: mobile terrestrial consumers track phenological variation in spawning of an anadromous fish
DE Schindler, JB Armstrong, KT Bentley, KJ Jankowski, PJ Lisi, LX Payne
Biology letters 9 (3), 20130048, 2013
Patterns of environmental change associated withTypha xglauca invasion in a Great Lakes coastal wetland
NC Tuchman, DJ Larkin, P Geddes, R Wildova, KJ Jankowski, ...
Wetlands 29 (3), 964-975, 2009
Deep soils modify environmental consequences of increased nitrogen fertilizer use in intensifying Amazon agriculture
KJ Jankowski, C Neill, EA Davidson, MN Macedo, C Costa Jr, GL Galford, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13478, 2018
Integrating perspectives to understand lake ice dynamics in a changing world
S Sharma, MF Meyer, J Culpepper, X Yang, S Hampton, SA Berger, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2020JG005799, 2020
Identifying the molecular signatures of agricultural expansion in Amazonian headwater streams
RGM Spencer, AM Kellerman, DC Podgorski, MN Macedo, KJ Jankowski, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (6), 1637-1650, 2019
Temperature sensitivity of community respiration rates in streams is associated with watershed geomorphic features
K Jankowski, DE Schindler, PJ Lisi
Ecology 95 (10), 2707-2714, 2014
Deforestation and stream warming affect body size of Amazonian fishes
P Ilha, L Schiesari, FI Yanagawa, KJ Jankowski, CA Navas
PloS one 13 (5), e0196560, 2018
Solute and sediment export from A mazon forest and soybean headwater streams
SH Riskin, C Neill, KJ Jankowski, AV Krusche, R McHorney, H Elsenbeer, ...
Ecological applications 27 (1), 193-207, 2017
Denitrification in a Laurentian Great Lakes coastal wetland invaded by hybrid cattail (Typha × glauca)
SC Lishawa, KJ Jankowski, P Geddes, DJ Larkin, AM Monks, ...
Aquatic sciences 76, 483-495, 2014
Aquatic ecosystem metabolism as a tool in environmental management
KJ Jankowski, FH Mejia, JR Blaszczak, GW Holtgrieve
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8 (4), e1521, 2021
Resource availability and spatial heterogeneity control bacterial community response to nutrient enrichment in lakes
KJ Jankowski, DE Schindler, MC Horner-Devine
PLoS One 9 (1), e86991, 2014
Assessing nonpoint‐source nitrogen loading and nitrogen fixation in lakes using δ15N and nutrient stoichiometry
KJ Jankowski, DE Schindler, GW Holtgrieve
Limnology and Oceanography 57 (3), 671-683, 2012
The ecology of river ice
A Thellman, KJ Jankowski, B Hayden, X Yang, W Dolan, AP Smits, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126 (9), e2021JG006275, 2021
Riparian forests buffer the negative effects of cropland on macroinvertebrate diversity in lowland Amazonian streams
NCS Marques, KJ Jankowski, MN Macedo, L Juen, A Luiza-Andrade, ...
Hydrobiologia 848 (15), 3503-3520, 2021
Agricultural land-use change alters the structure and diversity of Amazon riparian forests
L Maracahipes-Santos, DV Silverio, MN Macedo, L Maracahipes, ...
Biological Conservation 252, 108862, 2020
Watershed geomorphology modifies the sensitivity of aquatic ecosystem metabolism to temperature
KJ Jankowski, DE Schindler
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17619, 2019
Indicators of ecosystem structure and function for the Upper Mississippi River System
NR De Jager, JT Rogala, JJ Rohweder, M Van Appledorn, KL Bouska, ...
Open-File Report, 2018
Surprisingly modest water quality impacts from expansion and intensification of large-sscale commercial agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon-Cerrado region
C Neill, KJ Jankowski, PM Brando, MT Coe, LA Deegan, MN Macedo, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 10, 1940082917720669, 2017
Two‐stage metabolism inferred from diel oxygen dynamics in aquatic ecosystems
DE Schindler, KJ Jankowski, ZT A'mar, GW Holtgrieve
Ecosphere 8 (6), e01867, 2017
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Articles 1–20