Pedro López-García
Pedro López-García
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Cited by
An improved discrete bat algorithm for symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problems
E Osaba, XS Yang, F Diaz, P Lopez-Garcia, R Carballedo
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 48, 59-71, 2016
A hybrid method for short-term traffic congestion forecasting using genetic algorithms and cross entropy
P Lopez-Garcia, E Onieva, E Osaba, AD Masegosa, A Perallos
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (2), 557-569, 2015
A discrete and improved bat algorithm for solving a medical goods distribution problem with pharmacological waste collection
E Osaba, XS Yang, I Fister Jr, J Del Ser, P Lopez-Garcia, ...
Swarm and evolutionary computation 44, 273-286, 2019
Ensemble classification for imbalanced data based on feature space partitioning and hybrid metaheuristics
P Lopez-Garcia, AD Masegosa, E Osaba, E Onieva, A Perallos
Applied Intelligence 49 (8), 2807-2822, 2019
GACE: A meta-heuristic based in the hybridization of Genetic Algorithms and Cross Entropy methods for continuous optimization
P Lopez-Garcia, E Onieva, E Osaba, AD Masegosa, A Perallos
Expert Systems with Applications 55, 508-519, 2016
On efficiently solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows using the bat algorithm with random reinsertion operators
E Osaba, R Carballedo, XS Yang, I Fister Jr, P Lopez-Garcia, J Del Ser
Nature-Inspired Algorithms and Applied Optimization, 69-89, 2018
Comparison between golden ball meta-heuristic, evolutionary simulated annealing and TABU search for the traveling salesman problem
E Osaba, R Carballedo, P López-García, F Diaz
Proceedings of the 2016 on genetic and evolutionary computation conference …, 2016
A comparative study on the performance of evolutionary fuzzy and crisp rule based classification methods in congestion prediction
E Onieva, P Lopez-Garcia, AD Masegosa, E Osaba, A Perallos
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 4458-4467, 2016
Compounding process optimization for recycled materials using machine learning algorithms
P Lopez-Garcia, X Barrenetxea, S García-Arrieta, I Sedano, L Palenzuela, ...
Procedia CIRP 105, 237-242, 2022
Soft computing based optimization and decision models
DA Pelta, C Cruz, AD Masegosa, E Onieva, P Lopez-garcia, E Osaba
Springer I, 2018
Applications of soft computing in intelligent transportation systems
AD Masegosa, E Onieva, P Lopez-Garcia, E Osaba
Soft Computing Based Optimization and Decision Models: To Commemorate the …, 2018
A parallel meta-heuristic for solving a multiple asymmetric traveling salesman problem with simulateneous pickup and delivery modeling demand responsive transport problems
E Osaba, F Diaz, E Onieva, P López-García, R Carballedo, A Perallos
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 10th International Conference, HAIS …, 2015
A hybrid optimizer based on backtracking search and differential evolution for continuous optimization
YÇ Kuyu, E Onieva, P Lopez-Garcia
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 34 (3), 355-385, 2022
Short-term traffic congestion forecasting using hybrid metaheuristics and rule-based methods: A comparative study
P Lopez-Garcia, E Osaba, E Onieva, AD Masegosa, A Perallos
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Conference of the Spanish …, 2016
A new optimization approach for indoor location based on differential evolution
AD Masegosa, A Bahillo, E Onieva, P López-García, A Perallos
2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the …, 2015
Analysis of RFID anti-collision protocols based on the standard EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2
L Arjona, H Landaluce, A Perallos, P Lopez-Garcia, N Cmiljanic
Proceedings of European Wireless 2015; 21th European Wireless Conference, 1-6, 2015
Ensemble and Fuzzy Techniques Applied to Imbalanced Traffic Congestion Datasets: A Comparative Study
P Lopez-Garcia, AD Masegosa, E Onieva, E Osaba
Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications: 8th International …, 2018
Hybridizing genetic algorithm with cross entropy for solving continuous functions
P Lopez-Garcia, E Onieva, E Osaba, AD Masegosa, A Perallos
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on …, 2015
TIMON Project: Description and Preliminary Tests for Traffic Prediction Using Evolutionary Techniques
E Osaba, P López-García, AD Masegosa, E Onieva, H Landaluce, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2016
Hybrid optimization method applied to adaptive splitting and selection algorithm
P Lopez-Garcia, M Woźniak, E Onieva, A Perallos
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 11th International Conference, HAIS …, 2016
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Articles 1–20