Valentín Villaverde (ORCID: 0000-0002-2876-0306)
Valentín Villaverde (ORCID: 0000-0002-2876-0306)
Other namesValentín Villaverde Bonilla
Professor Emeritus of Prehistory, Universitat de València
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Cited by
Cited by
Symbolic use of marine shells and mineral pigments by Iberian Neandertals
J Zilhão, DE Angelucci, E Badal-García, F d’Errico, F Daniel, L Dayet, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (3), 1023-1028, 2010
Terrestrial laser scanning and close range photogrammetry for 3D archaeological documentation: the Upper Palaeolithic Cave of Parpalló as a case study
JL Lerma, S Navarro, M Cabrelles, V Villaverde
Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (3), 499-507, 2010
Arte paleolítico de la Cova del Parpalló. Estudio de la colección de plaquetas y cantos grabados y pintados
V Villaverde Bonilla
Valencia: SIP Diputació de Valencia 262, 1994
Symbolic use of marine shells and mineral pigments by Iberian Neandertals 115,000 years ago
DL Hoffmann, DE Angelucci, V Villaverde, J Zapata, J Zilhão
Science advances 4 (2), eaar5255, 2018
Big game and small prey: Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic economy from Valencia (Spain)
JEA Tortosa, VV Bonilla, MP Ripoll, RM Valle, PG Calatayud
Journal of Archaeological method and Theory 9, 215-268, 2002
The Upper Paleolithic in Mediterranean Spain: A review of current evidence
V Villaverde, JE Aura, CM Barton
Journal of World Prehistory 12, 121-198, 1998
Neanderthal diets in central and southeastern Mediterranean Iberia
DC Salazar-García, RC Power, AS Serra, V Villaverde, MJ Walker, ...
Quaternary International 318, 3-18, 2013
Latest developments in rock art recording: towards an integral documentation of Levantine rock art sites combining 2D and 3D recording techniques
I Domingo, V Villaverde, E López-Montalvo, JL Lerma, M Cabrelles
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (4), 1879-1889, 2013
Mobility and the role of small game in the Middle Paleolithic of the central region of the Spanish Mediterranean: a comparison of Cova Negra with other Paleolithic deposits
V Villaverde, R Martinez-Valle, PM Guillem, MP Fumanal
The Last Neandertals the first anatomically modern humans. Cultural change …, 1996
Precise dating of the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Murcia (Spain) supports late Neandertal persistence in Iberia
J Zilhão, D Anesin, T Aubry, E Badal, D Cabanes, M Kehl, N Klasen, ...
Heliyon 3 (11), 2017
La Cova Negra de Xàtiva y el Musteriense de la región central del Mediterráneo español
VV Bonilla
Servicio de investigación prehistórica: Ayuntamiento de Xàtiva, 1984
The end of the Upper Palaeolithic in the Mediterranean Basin of the Iberian Peninsula
VÃ Villaverde, DÃ RomÃĄn, MPÃĐ Ripoll, MMÃĻ BergadÃ, C Real
Quaternary International, 2012
El Paleotítico superior de la Cova de les Cendres (Teulada-Moraira, Alicante): datos proporcionados por el sondeo efectuado en los cuadros A/B-17
VV Bonilla, J Menargues, E Badal, PM Guillerm, RM Valle, R García
Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina, 9-66, 1999
The Pleistocene–Holocene transition in the Iberian Peninsula: continuity and change in human adaptations
JE Aura, V Villaverde, MG Morales, CG Sainz, J Zilhão, LG Straus
Quaternary International 49, 87-103, 1998
The upper Paleolithic rock art of Iberia
N Bicho, AF Carvalho, C González-Sainz, JL Sanchidrián, V Villaverde, ...
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 14, 81-151, 2007
New neandertal remains from Cova negra (valencia, Spain)
JL Arsuaga, V Villaverde, R Quam, I Martínez, JM Carretero, C Lorenzo, ...
Journal of Human evolution 52 (1), 31-58, 2007
The early upper palaeolithic of cova de les cendres (Alicante, Spain)
V Villaverde, C Real, D Roman, RM Albert, E Badal, MÁ Bel, MM Bergadà, ...
Quaternary International 515, 92-124, 2019
Application of field portable EDXRF spectrometry to analysis of pigments of Levantine rock art
C Roldan, S Murcia‐Mascarós, J Ferrero, V Villaverde, E Lopez, ...
X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 39 (3), 243-250, 2010
La Cova dels Cavalls en el Barranc de la Valltorta
R Martínez Valle, V VILLAVERDE
Monografías del Instituto de Arte Rupestre 1, 2002
Instrumental prehistórico: forma, fabricación, utilización
JL Piel-Desruisseaux, VV Bonilla
Masson, 1989
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Articles 1–20