Vincenzo Gervasi
Cited by
Cited by
Reasoning about inconsistencies in natural language requirements
V Gervasi, D Zowghi
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 14 (3), 277-330, 2005
Processing natural language requirements
V Ambriola, V Gervasi
Proceedings 12th IEEE International Conference Automated Software …, 1997
On the interplay between consistency, completeness, and correctness in requirements evolution
D Zowghi, V Gervasi
Information and Software technology 45 (14), 993-1009, 2003
On the Systematic Analysis of Natural Language Requirements with CIRCE
V Ambriola, V Gervasi
Automated Software Engineering 13, 107-167, 2006
Analysing anaphoric ambiguity in natural language requirements
H Yang, A De Roeck, V Gervasi, A Willis, B Nuseibeh
Requirements engineering 16, 163-189, 2011
Lightweight validation of natural language requirements
V Gervasi, B Nuseibeh
Software: Practice and Experience 32 (2), 113-133, 2002
CoreASM: An extensible ASM execution engine
R Farahbod, V Gervasi, U Glässer
Fundamenta Informaticae 77 (1-2), 71-103, 2007
A linguistic-engineering approach to large-scale requirements management
JN och Dag, B Regnell, V Gervasi, S Brinkkemper
IEEE software 22 (1), 32-39, 2005
The Three Cs of requirements: consistency, completeness, and correctness
D Zowghi, V Gervasi
International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundations for Software …, 2002
A high-level modular definition of the semantics of C♯
E Börger, NG Fruja, V Gervasi, RF Stärk
Theoretical Computer Science 336 (2-3), 235-284, 2005
Coordination without communication: The case of the flocking problem
V Gervasi, G Prencipe
Discrete Applied Mathematics 144 (3), 324-344, 2004
Natural language requirements processing: a 4D vision
A Ferrari, F Dell'Orletta, A Esuli, V Gervasi, S Gnesi
Ieee Software 34 (6), 28-35, 2017
Speculative requirements: Automatic detection of uncertainty in natural language requirements
H Yang, A De Roeck, V Gervasi, A Willis, B Nuseibeh
2012 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 11-20, 2012
Unpacking tacit knowledge for requirements engineering
V Gervasi, R Gacitua, M Rouncefield, P Sawyer, L Kof, L Ma, P Piwek, ...
Managing requirements knowledge, 23-47, 2013
Extending nocuous ambiguity analysis for anaphora in natural language requirements
H Yang, A De Roeck, V Gervasi, A Willis, B Nuseibeh
2010 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 25-34, 2010
On the effectiveness of abstraction identification in requirements engineering
R Gacitua, P Sawyer, V Gervasi
2010 18th IEEE international requirements engineering conference, 5-14, 2010
Achieving quality in natural language requirements
F Fabbrini, M Fusani, V Gervasi, S Gnesi, S Ruggieri
Proceedings of the 11th International Software Quality Week, 4-5, 1998
Speeding up requirements management in a product software company: Linking customer wishes to product requirements through linguistic engineering
JN och Dag, V Gervasi, S Brinkkemper, B Regnell
Proceedings. 12th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference …, 2004
Supporting traceability through affinity mining
V Gervasi, D Zowghi
2014 IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 143-152, 2014
Using default reasoning to discover inconsistencies in natural language requirements
D Zowghi, V Gervasi, A McRae
Proceedings Eighth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 133-140, 2001
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Articles 1–20