Bram De Wever
Bram De Wever
Associate Professor of Learning and Instruction, Department of Educational Studies, Ghent University
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Content analysis schemes to analyze transcripts of online asynchronous discussion groups: A review
B De Wever, T Schellens, M Valcke, H Van Keer
Computers & education 46 (1), 6-28, 2006
Four key challenges to the design of blended learning: A systematic literature review
R Boelens, B De Wever, M Voet
Educational research review 22, 1-18, 2017
Internet parenting styles and the impact on Internet use of primary school children
M Valcke, S Bonte, B De Wever, I Rots
Computers & Education 55 (2), 454-464, 2010
The impact of a flipped classroom design on learning performance in higher education: Looking for the best “blend” of lectures and guiding questions with feedback
NTT Thai, B De Wever, M Valcke
Computers & Education 107, 113-126, 2017
The design of blended learning in response to student diversity in higher education: Instructors’ views and use of differentiated instruction in blended learning
R Boelens, M Voet, B De Wever
Computers & Education 120, 197-212, 2018
Scaffolding information problem solving in web-based collaborative inquiry learning
A Raes, T Schellens, B De Wever, E Vanderhoven
Computers & Education 59 (1), 82-94, 2012
Long-term study of safe Internet use of young children
M Valcke, B De Wever, H Van Keer, T Schellens
Computers & Education 57 (1), 1292-1305, 2011
Structuring asynchronous discussion groups: the impact of role assignment and self‐assessment on students' levels of knowledge construction through social negotiation
B De Wever, H Van Keer, T Schellens, M Valcke
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 25 (2), 177-188, 2009
Roles as a structuring tool in online discussion groups: The differential impact of different roles on social knowledge construction
B De Wever, H Van Keer, T Schellens, M Valcke
Computers in Human Behavior 26 (4), 516-523, 2010
Researching instructional use and the technology acceptation of learning management systems by secondary school teachers
C De Smet, J Bourgonjon, B De Wever, T Schellens, M Valcke
Computers & Education 58 (2), 688-696, 2012
Scripting by assigning roles: Does it improve knowledge construction in asynchronous discussion groups?
T Schellens, H Van Keer, B De Wever, M Valcke
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2, 225-246, 2007
Applying multilevel modelling to content analysis data: Methodological issues in the study of role assignment in asynchronous discussion groups
B De Wever, H Van Keer, T Schellens, M Valcke
Learning and instruction 17 (4), 436-447, 2007
Parental acceptance of digital game-based learning
J Bourgonjon, M Valcke, R Soetaert, B De Wever, T Schellens
Computers & Education 57 (1), 1434-1444, 2011
Blended learning in adult education: towards a definition of blended learning
R Boelens, S Van Laer, B De Wever, J Elen
History teachers' conceptions of inquiry-based learning, beliefs about the nature of history, and their relation to the classroom context
M Voet, B De Wever
Teaching and Teacher Education 55, 57-67, 2016
Are they ready to teach? Student teachers’ readiness for the job with reference to teacher competence frameworks
Z Mohamed, M Valcke, B De Wever
Journal of Education for Teaching 43 (2), 151-170, 2017
Face‐to‐face, blended, flipped, or online learning environment? Impact on learning performance and student cognitions
NTT Thai, B De Wever, M Valcke
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 36 (3), 397-411, 2020
Structuring peer assessment: Comparing the impact of the degree of structure on peer feedback content
M Gielen, B De Wever
Computers in Human Behavior 52, 315-325, 2015
Learning in asynchronous discussion groups: a multilevel approach to study the influence of student, group and task characteristics
T Schellens, H Van Keer, M Valcke, B De Wever
Behaviour & Information Technology 26 (1), 55-71, 2007
Assessing collaboration in a wiki: The reliability of university students' peer assessment
B De Wever, H Van Keer, T Schellens, M Valcke
The Internet and Higher Education 14 (4), 201-206, 2011
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Articles 1–20