Claudio Stamile
Claudio Stamile
BIP xTech
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Biomedical data augmentation using generative adversarial neural networks
F Calimeri, A Marzullo, C Stamile, G Terracina
International conference on artificial neural networks, 626-634, 2017
Graph theory-based brain connectivity for automatic classification of multiple sclerosis clinical courses
G Kocevar, C Stamile, S Hannoun, F Cotton, S Vukusic, F Durand-Dubief, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 478, 2016
Machine learning approach for classifying multiple sclerosis courses by combining clinical data with lesion loads and magnetic resonance metabolic features
A Ion-Mărgineanu, G Kocevar, C Stamile, DM Sima, F Durand-Dubief, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 398, 2017
Classification of multiple sclerosis clinical profiles via graph convolutional neural networks
A Marzullo, G Kocevar, C Stamile, F Durand-Dubief, G Terracina, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 594, 2019
Data augmentation using generative adversarial neural networks on brain structural connectivity in multiple sclerosis
B Barile, A Marzullo, C Stamile, F Durand-Dubief, D Sappey-Marinier
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 206, 106113, 2021
Hemispheric differences in white matter microstructure between two profiles of children with high intelligence quotient vs. controls: a tract-based spatial statistics study
F Nusbaum, S Hannoun, G Kocevar, C Stamile, P Fourneret, O Revol, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 245529, 2017
Novel method for automated analysis of retinal images: results in subjects with hypertensive retinopathy and CADASIL
M Cavallari, C Stamile, R Umeton, F Calimeri, F Orzi
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 752957, 2015
Brain structural connectivity correlates with fluid intelligence in children: A DTI graph analysis
G Kocevar, I Suprano, C Stamile, S Hannoun, P Fourneret, O Revol, ...
Intelligence 72, 67-75, 2019
Quantitative longitudinal imaging of activated microglia as a marker of inflammation in the pilocarpine rat model of epilepsy using [11C]-(R)-PK11195 PET and MRI
J Yankam Njiwa, N Costes, C Bouillot, S Bouvard, S Fieux, G Becker, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 37 (4), 1251-1263, 2017
Graph Machine Learning: Take graph data to the next level by applying machine learning techniques and algorithms
C Stamile, A Marzullo, E Deusebio
Packt Publishing Ltd, 2021
Optic disc detection using fine tuned convolutional neural networks
F Calimeri, A Marzullo, C Stamile, G Terracina
2016 12th international conference on signal-image technology & internet …, 2016
A logic-based framework leveraging neural networks for studying the evolution of neurological disorders
F Calimeri, F Cauteruccio, L Cinelli, A Marzullo, C Stamile, G Terracina, ...
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 21 (1), 80-124, 2021
A model-guided string-based approach to white matter fiber-bundles extraction
C Stamile, F Cauteruccio, G Terracina, D Ursino, G Kocevar, ...
Brain Informatics and Health: 8th International Conference, BIH 2015, London …, 2015
Prediction of multiple sclerosis patient disability from structural connectivity using convolutional neural networks
A Marzullo, G Kocevar, C Stamile, F Calimeri, G Terracina, ...
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
Topological modification of brain networks organization in children with high intelligence quotient: a resting-state fMRI study
I Suprano, C Delon-Martin, G Kocevar, C Stamile, S Hannoun, S Achard, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 241, 2019
A sensitive and automatic white matter fiber tracts model for longitudinal analysis of diffusion tensor images in multiple sclerosis
C Stamile, G Kocevar, F Cotton, F Durand-Dubief, S Hannoun, C Frindel, ...
PLoS One 11 (5), e0156405, 2016
An automated string-based approach to white matter fiber-bundles clustering
F Cauteruccio, C Stamile, G Terracina, D Ursino, D Sappey-Mariniery
2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2015
White matter microarchitecture and structural network integrity correlate with children intelligence quotient
I Suprano, G Kocevar, C Stamile, S Hannoun, P Fourneret, O Revol, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 20722, 2020
An automated string-based approach to extracting and characterizing white matter fiber-bundles
F Cauteruccio, C Stamile, G Terracina, D Ursino, D Sappey-Marinier
Computers in Biology and Medicine 77, 64-75, 2016
Graph based neural networks for automatic classification of multiple sclerosis clinical courses.
F Calimeri, A Marzullo, C Stamile, G Terracina
ESANN, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20