Bonno Pel
Cited by
Cited by
An agenda for sustainability transitions research: State of the art and future directions
J Köhler, FW Geels, F Kern, J Markard, E Onsongo, A Wieczorek, ...
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 31, 1-32, 2019
Transformative social innovation and (dis) empowerment
F Avelino, JM Wittmayer, B Pel, P Weaver, A Dumitru, A Haxeltine, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 145, 195-206, 2019
The politics of sustainability transitions
F Avelino, J Grin, B Pel, S Jhagroe
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 18 (5), 557-567, 2016
Towards a theory of transformative social innovation: A relational framework and 12 propositions
B Pel, A Haxeltine, F Avelino, A Dumitru, R Kemp, T Bauler, I Kunze, ...
Research Policy 49 (8), 104080, 2020
Narratives of change: How social innovation initiatives construct societal transformation
JM Wittmayer, J Backhaus, F Avelino, B Pel, T Strasser, I Kunze, ...
Futures 112, 102433, 2019
A framework for transformative social innovation
A Haxeltine, F Avelino, B Pel, A Dumitru, R Kemp, N Longhurst, J Chilvers, ...
TRANSIT working paper 5 (5), 2016
Unpacking the social innovation ecosystem: an empirically grounded typology of empowering network constellations
B Pel, J Wittmayer, J Dorland, M Søgaard Jørgensen
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 33 (3), 311-336, 2019
Trojan horses in transitions: A dialectical perspective on innovation ‘capture’
B Pel
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 18 (5), 673-691, 2016
Beyond instrumentalism: Broadening the understanding of social innovation in socio-technical energy systems
JM Wittmayer, T de Geus, B Pel, F Avelino, S Hielscher, T Hoppe, ...
Energy research & social science 70, 101689, 2020
Building a middle-range theory of Transformative Social Innovation; theoretical pitfalls and methodological responses
A Haxeltine, B Pel, J Wittmayer, A Dumitru, R Kemp, F Avelino
European Social Innovation Review 2 (1), 59-77, 2017
An agenda for sustainability transitions research: state of the art and future directions. Environ Innov Soc Transit 31: 1–32
J Köhler, FW Geels, F Kern, J Markard, E Onsongo, A Wieczorek, ...
Contributing to sustainable and just energy systems? The mainstreaming of renewable energy prosumerism within and across institutional logics
JM Wittmayer, F Avelino, B Pel, I Campos
Energy Policy 149, 112053, 2021
The institutionalization of social innovation: between transformation and capture
B Pel, T Bauler
TRANSIT working paper 2, 2-1, 2014
Narratives of change:: how social innovation initiatives engage with their transformative ambitions
J Wittmayer, J Backhaus, F Avelino, B Pel, T Strasser, I Kunze
Transitions towards new economies? A transformative social innovation perspective
F Avelino, A Dumitru, N Longhurst, J Wittmayer, S Hielscher, P Weaver, ...
University of Sussex, 2015
Transitions governance with a sense of direction: synchronization challenges in the case of the dutch ‘Driverless Car’transition
B Pel, R Raven, R van Est
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 160, 120244, 2020
Between innovation and restoration; towards a critical-historicizing understanding of social innovation niches
B Pel, R Kemp
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 32 (10), 1182-1194, 2020
Transitions towards new economies
F Avelino, A Dumitru, N Longhurst, J Wittmayer, S Hielscher, P Weaver, ...
A transformative social innovation perspective [Working Paper nº 3], 2015
Urbanized deltas as complex adaptive systems: Implications for planning and design
ED Dammers, AK Bregt, J Edelenbos, H Meyer, B Pel
Built Environment 40 (2), 156-168, 2014
TRANSIT WP3 deliverable D3 2–“A first prototype of TSI theory”
A Haxeltine, R Kemp, A Dumitru, F Avelino, B Pel, J Wittmayer, J Chilvers, ...
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Articles 1–20