Gabrijela Buljan
Gabrijela Buljan
Full Professor of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek
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Where cognitive linguistics meets paremiology: a cognitive-contrastive view of selected English and Croatian proverbs
G Buljan, T Gradečak-Erdeljić
Explorations in English Language and Linguistics 1 (1), 63-83, 2013
Predicative adjectives in some Germanic and Slavic languages: On the role of metonymy in extending grammatical constructions
M Brdar, R Brdar-Szabó, T Gradečak-Erdeljić, G Buljan
Suvremena lingvistika 51 (1-2), 35-57, 2001
Semantičke funkcije subjekta, teorija prototipova i metonimija
G Buljan, D Kučanda
Jezikoslovlje 5 (1-2), 87-101, 2004
English Morphosyntax. On nouns, determiners and pronouns
G Buljan, T Gradečak-Erdeljić
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osijek University, 2013
Most u grlu-Metonymy and conceptual integration in idiom modifications: A case study
G Buljan
Teaching English for Life: Studies to Honour Professor Elvira Petrović on …, 2004
'By Word of Mouse': Metonymy and Conceptual Integration in Idiom Modifications
G Buljan, T Gradečak-Erdeljić
Perspectives on Metonymy: Proceedings of the International Conference …, 2007
Interpreting English Verb Conversions The Role of Metonymy and Metaphor
G Buljan
Suvremena lingvistika 57 (1-2), 13-30, 2004
Knocking on EU’s door: on the changing and conflicting metaphorical images of Croatia in selected EU press
A Werkmann, G Buljan
Jezikoslovlje 14 (2-3), 337-362, 2013
The Croatian Suffix-stv (o). A Study of Meaning and Polysemy in Word Formation
G Buljan
Journal of Slavic linguistics 26 (2), 185-244, 2018
The polysemy of the Croatian verbal prefix od-
B Belaj, G Buljan
Review of Cognitive Linguistics. Published under the auspices of the Spanish …, 2016
Space and time in language
M Brdar, M Omazic, VP Takac, T Gradecak-Erdeljic, G Buljan
Proceedings from the 23rd annual conference of the Croatian Applied …, 2011
O smjeru metaforičkih preslikavanja
M Brdar, M Omazić, G Buljan, D Vidaković
Semantika prirodnog jezika i metajezik semantike,18. savjetovanje Hrvatskog …, 2005
Tipologija metonimija i njihova obrada u jednojezičnoj i dvojezičnoj leksikografiji
M Brdar, R Brdar-Szabó, G Buljan
Filologija, 73-83, 2001
Polysemy within multifunctionality. On the locative meanings of the Croatian suffix-(j) ar (a)
G Buljan
Dimenzije značenja, 85-116, 2015
Iskustvena istaknutost kao odrednica učestalosti konceptualnih metafora: problemi i ograničenja (Rat u socio-ekonomskom diskursu)
G Buljan
Jezik u društvenoj interakciji: zbornik radova sa savjetovanja održanoga 16 …, 2005
Croatian and English in Contact: Evribadi spiks ingliš, but do we understand Croatian?
V Pavičić Takač, G Buljan, R Čačija
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Multilingualism, Proceedings from the 28th …, 2015
Konceptualna struktura naslova novinskih članaka
G Buljan
Jezik i mediji - Jedan jezik : više svjetova. Zbornik radova s 19 …, 2006
Neke misli o nastanku augmentativnih/evaluativnih značenja hrvatskog sufiksa-ara
G Buljan
Suvremena lingvistika 49 (95), 1-27, 2023
“Shall I (compare) compare thee?” A corpus-based study of a special type of modification of English as-similes
G Buljan, L Maras
Yearbook of Phraseology 12 (1), 75-146, 2021
Review of: Mario Brdar, Ida Raffaelli, Milena Žic Fuchs, eds. 2012. Cognitive Linguistics between Universality and Variation
G Buljan
Jezikoslovlje 13 (3), 876-893, 2012
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Articles 1–20