Carla Rampichini
Carla Rampichini
Full professor of Statistics, University of Florence
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Ordered logit model
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research, 4510-4513, 2014
A multilevel multinomial logit model for the analysis of graduates’ skills
LRC Grilli
Statistical Methods and Applications 16 (3), 381-393, 2007
Multilevel factor models for ordinal variables
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Structural Equation Modeling 14 (1), 1-25, 2007
A hierarchical ordinal probit model for the analysis of life satisfaction in Italy
C Rampichini, S Schifini d'Andrea
Social Indicators Research 44 (1), 41-69, 1998
A Hierarchical ordinal probit model for the analysis of life satisfaction in Italy
C Rampichini, A Schifini
Social Indicators Research 44 (1), 41-69, 1998
Analysis of university course evaluations: from descriptive measures to multilevel models
C Rampichini, L Grilli, A Petrucci
Statistical methods and Applications 13, 357-373, 2004
Evaluating the effects of university grants by using regression discontinuity designs
F Mealli, C Rampichini
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 175 …, 2012
Propensity scores for the estimation of average treatment effects in observational studies
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Training sessions on causal inference, Bristol, 28-29, 2011
The role of sample cluster means in multilevel models
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Methodology, 2011
Exploiting TIMSS and PIRLS combined data: multivariate multilevel modelling of student achievement
L Grilli, F Pennoni, C Rampichini, I Romeo
Specification of random effects in multilevel models: a review
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Quality & Quantity 49, 967-976, 2015
Alternative specifications of multivariate multilevel probit ordinal response models
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 28 (1), 31-44, 2003
Multilevel models for ordinal data
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Modern analysis of customer surveys: With applications using R, 391-411, 2011
Group versus single handed primary care: a performance evaluation of the care delivered to chronic patients by Italian GPs
M Visca, A Donatini, R Gini, B Federico, G Damiani, P Francesconi, L Grilli, ...
Health Policy 113 (1-2), 188-198, 2013
Multilevel models for the evaluation of educational institutions: a review
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Statistical methods for the evaluation of educational services and quality …, 2009
Latent class CUB models
L Grilli, M Iannario, D Piccolo, C Rampichini
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 8, 105-119, 2014
The use of permutation tests for variance components in linear mixed models
MH Samuh, L Grilli, C Rampichini, L Salmaso, N Lunardon
Communications in Statistics-Theory and methods 41 (16-17), 3020-3029, 2012
Model building issues in multilevel linear models with endogenous covariates
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Proceeding of IASC-INTERFACE-IFCS Workshop, http://www. iascisi. org …, 2006
A review of random effects modelling using gllamm in Stata
L Grilli, C Rampichini
Department of Statistics, University of Florence, 2006
Bayesian estimation with integrated nested Laplace approximation for binary logit mixed models
L Grilli, S Metelli, C Rampichini
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (13), 2718-2726, 2015
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