Dustin Harp
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Cited by
The links that bind: Uncovering novel motivations for linking on Facebook
K Baek, A Holton, D Harp, C Yaschur
Computers in human behavior 27 (6), 2243-2248, 2011
Collective action on the Web: A cross-cultural study of social networking sites and online and offline activism in the United States and Latin America
S Harlow, D Harp
Information, communication & society 15 (2), 196-216, 2012
The gendered blogosphere: Examining inequality using network and feminist theory
D Harp, M Tremayne
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 83 (2), 247-264, 2006
Friends who choose your news: An analysis of content links on Facebook
B Baresch, L Knight, D Harp, C Yaschur
ISOJ: The Official Research Journal of International Symposium on Online …, 2011
Women matter in newsrooms: How power and critical mass relate to the coverage of the HPV vaccine
T Correa, D Harp
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 88 (2), 301-319, 2011
The whole online world is watching: Profiling social networking sites and activists in China, Latin America, and the United States
D Harp, I Bachmann
Where are the women? The presence of female columnists in US opinion pages
D Harp, I Bachmann, J Loke
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 91 (2), 289-307, 2014
Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi hearing coverage: Political competence, authenticity, and the persistence of the double bind
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Women's Studies in Communication 39 (2), 193-210, 2016
Co-opting feminism: media discourses on political women and the definition of a (new) feminist identity
J Loke, I Bachmann, D Harp
Media, Culture & Society 39 (1), 122-132, 2017
Voices of dissent in the Iraq war: Moving from deviance to legitimacy?
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 87 (3-4), 467-483, 2010
Desperately seeking women readers: US newspapers and the construction of a female readership
D Harp
Lexington Books, 2007
Alternative media in a digital era: Comparing news and information use among activists in the United States and Latin America
D Harp, S Harlow
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2013
Rape, storytelling and social media: How Twitter interrupted the news media’s ability to construct collective memory
D Harp, J Grimm, J Loke
Feminist Media Studies 18 (6), 979-995, 2018
First impressions of Sarah Palin: Pit bulls, politics, gender performance, and a discursive media (re) contextualization
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Communication, Culture & Critique 3 (3), 291-309, 2010
New hope or old power: Democracy, pornography and the Internet
D Heider, D Harp
Howard Journal of Communications 13 (4), 285-299, 2002
Spaces for feminist (re) articulations: The blogosphere and the sexual attack on journalist Lara Logan
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Feminist Media Studies 14 (1), 5-21, 2014
Framing ideology: How Time magazine represents nationalism and identities through visual reporting
T Rosas Moreno, D Harp, I Bachmann
Through a feminist kaleidoscope: Critiquing media, power, and gender inequalities
I Bachmann, D Harp, J Loke
Feminist approaches to media theory and research, 1-15, 2018
Wave of hope: African American youth use media and engage more civically, politically than whites
D Harp, I Bachmann, TC Rosas-Moreno, J Loke
The Howard Journal of Communications 21 (3), 224-246, 2010
Mothering and governing: How news articulated gender roles in the cases of Governors Jane Swift and Sarah Palin
J Loke, D Harp, I Bachmann
Journalism Studies 12 (2), 205-220, 2011
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Articles 1–20