Marco Kalz
Marco Kalz
Professor of Educational Technology, Heidelberg University of Education
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Solutions for global marine litter pollution
A Löhr, H Savelli, R Beunen, M Kalz, A Ragas, F Van Belleghem
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 28 (October 2017), 90-99, 2017
Time will tell: The role of mobile learning analytics in self-regulated learning
B Tabuenca, M Kalz, H Drachsler, M Specht
Computers & Education 89, 53-74, 2015
Validation of the self-regulated online learning questionnaire
R Jansen, A van Leeuwen, J Janssen, L Kester, M Kalz
Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 1-22, 2016
Refining success and dropout in massive open online courses based on the intention–behavior gap
MA Henderikx, K Kreijns, M Kalz
Distance Education 38 (3), 353-368, 2017
A review of the types of mobile activities in mobile inquiry-based learning
Á Suárez, M Specht, F Prinsen, M Kalz, S Ternier
Computers & Education 118, 38-55, 2018
ARLearn: augmented reality meets augmented virtuality
S Ternier, R Klemke, M Kalz, P Van Ulzen, M Specht
Journal of Universal Computer Science-Technology for learning across …, 2012
The MOOC and learning analytics innovation cycle (MOLAC): a reflective summary of ongoing research and its challenges
H Drachsler, M Kalz
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2016
Elements of Open Education: An Invitation to Future Research
O Zawacki-Richter, D Conrad, A Bozkurt, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, I Jung, ...
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 21 (3 …, 2020
Who is taking MOOCs for teachers’ professional development on the use of ICT? A cross-sectional study from Spain
J Castaño-Munoz, M Kalz, K Kreijns, Y Punie
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2018
Does digital competence and occupational setting influence MOOC participation? Evidence from a cross-course survey
J Castaño-Muñoz, K Kreijns, M Kalz, Y Punie
Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 1-19, 2016
Educational scalability in MOOCs: Analysing instructional design to find best practices
J Kasch, P Van Rosmalen, M Kalz
Computers & Education 104054, 2020
Smartphone apps for cardiopulmonary resuscitation training and real incident support: a mixed-methods evaluation study
M Kalz, N Lenssen, M Felzen, R Rossaint, B Tabuenca, M Specht, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 16 (3), e2951, 2014
Content Management Systeme in e-Education
P Baumgartner, H Häfele, K Maier-Häfele, M Kalz
Auswahl, Potenziale und Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Innsbruck-Wien, StudienVerlag, 2004
An empirical investigation of the antecedents of learner-centered outcome measures in MOOCs
M Rabin, Eyal, Kalman, Yoram, Kalz
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 16 (14), 2019
What are the barriers to learners’ satisfaction in MOOCs and what predicts them? The role of age, intention, self-regulation, self-efficacy and motivation
E Rabin, M Henderikx, YM Kalman, M Kalz
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 36 (3), 119-131, 2020
Persönliche Lernumgebungen: Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen eines neuen Konzeptes
S Schaffert, M Kalz
Handbuch E-Learning: Manual on E-Learning, 1-24, 2002
Lifelong learning and its support with new technologies
M Kalz
International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, 93-99, 2015
Valuing technology-enhanced academic conferences for continuing professional development. A systematic literature review
M Spilker, F Prinsen, M Kalz
Professional Development in Education 46 (3), 482-499, 2019
Exploring Predictors of Instructional Resilience during Emergency Remote Teaching in Higher Education
J Weidlich, M Kalz
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 18 (43 …, 2021
Wiederverwendung von Lernobjekten aus didaktischer Sicht
P Baumgartner, M Kalz
Auf zu neuen Ufern! E-Learning heute und morgen, 97-106, 2005
Het systeem kan de bewerking nu niet uitvoeren. Probeer het later opnieuw.
Artikelen 1–20