David De Coninck
Cited by
Cited by
Beliefs in conspiracy theories and misinformation about COVID-19: Comparative perspectives on the role of anxiety, depression and exposure to and trust in information sources
D De Coninck, T Frissen, K Matthijs, L d'Haenens, G Lits, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 646394, 2021
The refugee paradox during wartime in Europe: How Ukrainian and Afghan refugees are (not) alike
D De Coninck
International Migration Review 57 (2), 578–586, 2023
Migrant categorizations and European public opinion: Diverging attitudes towards immigrants and refugees
D De Coninck
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (9), 1667–1686, 2020
Perceived vulnerability to disease and attitudes towards public health measures: COVID-19 in Flanders, Belgium
D De Coninck, L d'Haenens, K Matthijs
Personality and Individual Differences 166, 110220, 2020
Social media and Fear of Missing Out in adolescents: The role of family characteristics
N Bloemen, D De Coninck
Social Media + Society 6 (4), 2020
The contact hypothesis during the European refugee crisis: Relating quality and quantity of (in)direct intergroup contact to attitudes towards refugees
D De Coninck, I Rodríguez-de-Dios, L d'Haenens
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 24 (6), 881–901, 2021
One virus, four continents, eight countries: An interdisciplinary and international study on the psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among adults
M Généreux, PJ Schluter, KKC Hung, CS Wong, CPY Mok, T O’Sullivan, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (22), 8390, 2020
The relationship between media use and public opinion on immigrants and refugees: A Belgian perspective
D De Coninck, K Matthijs, M Debrael, W Joris, R De Cock, L d'Haenens
Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research 43 (3), 403–425, 2018
Subjective well-being among first-year university students: A two-wave prospective study in Flanders, Belgium
D De Coninck, K Matthijs, P Luyten
Student Success 10 (1), 33–45, 2019
Who is allowed to stay? Settlement deservingness preferences towards migrants in four European countries
D De Coninck, K Matthijs
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 77, 25–37, 2020
Forgotten key players in public health: News media as agents of information and persuasion during the COVID-19 pandemic
D De Coninck, L d'Haenens, K Matthijs
Public Health 183, 65–66, 2020
The evolution in anxiety and depression with the progression of the pandemic in adult populations from eight countries and four continents
M Généreux, PJ Schluter, E Landaverde, KKC Hung, CS Wong, CPY Mok, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9), 4845, 2021
Media use, fear of terrorism, and attitudes towards immigrants and refugees: Young people and adults compared
M Debrael, L d'Haenens, R De Cock, D De Coninck
International Communication Gazette 83 (2), 148–168, 2021
Rental discrimination, perceived threat and public attitudes towards immigration and refugees
PP Verhaeghe, D De Coninck
Ethnic and Racial Studies 45 (7), 1371–1393, 2022
Can ‘the other’ ever become ‘one of us’? Comparing Turkish and European attitudes towards refugees: A five-country study
D De Coninck, C Ogan, L d'Haenens
International Communication Gazette 83 (3), 217–237, 2021
Migration and integration policy in Europe: Comparing Belgium and Sweden
P Puschmann, E Sundin, D De Coninck, L d'Haenens
Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe. Media representations …, 2019
Attitudes of young adults toward marriage and divorce, 2002–2018
D De Coninck, S Van Doren, K Matthijs
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 62 (1), 66–82, 2021
Unpacking attitudes on immigrants and refugees: A focus on household composition and news media consumption
D De Coninck, K Matthijs, M Debrael, R De Cock, L d'Haenens
Media and Communication 7 (1), 43–55, 2019
Fear of terrorism and attitudes toward refugees: An empirical test of group threat theory
D De Coninck
Crime & Delinquency 68 (4), 550–571, 2022
Distance learning and school-related stress among Belgian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic
D De Coninck, K Matthijs, W Van Lancker
Frontiers in Education 7, 836123, 2022
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Articles 1–20