Xi Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Improving stock market prediction via heterogeneous information fusion
X Zhang, Y Zhang, S Wang, Y Yao, B Fang, SY Philip
Knowledge-Based Systems 143, 236-247, 2018
Rumor Detection on Social Media with Graph Structured Adversarial Learning
X Yang, Y Lyu, T Tian, Y Liu, Y Liu, X Zhang
IJCAI 2020, 2020
Dense scale network for crowd counting
F Dai, H Liu, Y Ma, X Zhang, Q Zhao
Proceedings of the 2021 international conference on multimedia retrieval, 64-72, 2021
Exploiting investors social network for stock prediction in China's market
X Zhang, J Shi, D Wang, B Fang
Journal of computational science 28, 294-303, 2018
DDGCN: Dual Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks for Rumor Detection on Social Media
M Sun, X Zhang, J Zheng, G Ma
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(4), 4611-4619., 2022
Enhancing stock market prediction with extended coupled hidden Markov model over multi-sourced data
X Zhang, Y Li, S Wang, B Fang, PS Yu
Knowledge and Information Systems 61, 1071-1090, 2019
Inconsistent matters: A knowledge-guided dual-consistency network for multi-modal rumor detection
M Sun, X Zhang, J Ma, S Xie, Y Liu, SY Philip
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (12), 12736-12749, 2023
MFAN: Multi-modal Feature-enhanced Attention Networks for Rumor Detection
J Zheng, X Zhang, S Guo, Q Wang, W Zang, Y Zhang
the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2022
The coming era of alphahacking?: A survey of automatic software vulnerability detection, exploitation and patching techniques
T Ji, Y Wu, C Wang, X Zhang, Z Wang
2018 IEEE third international conference on data science in cyberspace (DSC …, 2018
A survey of text watermarking in the era of large language models
A Liu, L Pan, Y Lu, J Li, X Hu, X Zhang, L Wen, I King, H Xiong, P Yu
ACM Computing Surveys 57 (2), 1-36, 2024
QSAN: A quantum-probability based signed attention network for explainable false information detection
T Tian, Y Liu, X Yang, Y Lyu, X Zhang, B Fang
Proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on information …, 2020
A tensor-based sub-mode coordinate algorithm for stock prediction
J Huang, Y Zhang, J Zhang, X Zhang
2018 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC …, 2018
Understanding information interactions in diffusion: an evolutionary game-theoretic perspective
Y Su, X Zhang, L Liu, S Song, B Fang
Frontiers of Computer Science 10, 518-531, 2016
A read-write aware replacement policy for phase change memory
X Zhang, Q Hu, D Wang, C Li, H Wang
Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies: 9th International Symposium, APPT …, 2011
IAD: Interaction-aware diffusion framework in social networks
X Zhang, Y Su, S Qu, S Xie, B Fang, SY Philip
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31 (7), 1341-1354, 2018
Explainable Survival Analysis with Convolution-involved Vision Transformer
Y Shen, L Liu, Z Tang, Z Chen, G Ma, J Dong, X Zhang, L Yang, Q Zheng
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(2), 2207-2215, 2022
A cache replacement policy using adaptive insertion and re-reference prediction
X Zhang, C Li, H Wang, D Wang
2010 22nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2010
Understanding information diffusion via heterogeneous information network embeddings
Y Su, X Zhang, S Wang, B Fang, T Zhang, PS Yu
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 24th International Conference …, 2019
Effective and Fast Near Duplicate Detection via Signature‐Based Compression Metrics
X Zhang, Y Yao, Y Ji, B Fang
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2016 (1), 3919043, 2016
PL-Transformer: a POS-aware and layer ensemble transformer for text classification
Y Shi, X Zhang, N Yu
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (2), 1971-1982, 2023
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Articles 1–20