Richard Marciano
Richard Marciano
Professor, U. Maryland
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XML-based information mediation with MIX
C Baru, A Gupta, B Ludäscher, R Marciano, Y Papakonstantinou, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 28 (2), 597-599, 1999
Mapping inequality
RK Nelson, LD Winling, R Marciano, N Connolly, EL Ayers
American panorama, 2021
iRODS primer: integrated rule-oriented data system
A Rajasekar, R Moore, CY Hou, CA Lee
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2010
Collection-based persistent digital archives-part 1
R Moore, C Baru, A Rajasekar, B Ludaescher, R Marciano, M Wan, ...
D-Lib magazine 6 (3), 1-16, 2000
Persistent archives
RW Moore, A Rajasekar, CK Baru, B Ludaescher, A Gupta, RJ Marciano
US Patent 6,963,875, 2005
Mapping inequality: Redlining in new deal America
RK Nelson, LD Winling, R Marciano, N Connolly, EL Ayers
American Panorama: An Atlas of United States History. University of Richmond …, 2020
Integrating gis and imagery through xml-based information mediation
A Gupta, R Marciano, I Zaslavsky, C Baru
International Workshop on Integrated Spatial Databases, 211-234, 1999
Archival records and training in the age of big data
R Marciano, V Lemieux, M Hedges, M Esteva, W Underwood, M Kurtz, ...
Re-Envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the future of library and …, 2018
Search middleware and the simple digital library interoperability protocol
A Paepcke, R Brandriff, G Janee, R Larson, B Ludaescher, S Melnik, ...
DLIB Magazine. 6 (3), 2000
High performance computing with geographical data
A Clematis, M Mineter, R Marciano
Parallel Computing 29 (10), 1275-1280, 2003
XML-based information mediation for digital libraries
C Baru, V Chu, A Gupta, B Ludäscher, R Marciano, Y Papakonstantinou, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM conference on Digital Libraries, 214-215, 1999
Collection-based persistent archives
A Rajasekar, R Marciano, R Moore
16th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems in cooperation with the 7th NASA …, 1999
Preservation of digital data with self-validating, self-instantiating knowledge-based archives
B Ludäscher, R Marciano, R Moore
ACM Sigmod Record 30 (3), 54-63, 2001
Local interpolation using a distributed parallel supercomputer
MP Armstrong, RJ Marciano
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 10 (6), 713-729, 1996
Inverse-distance-weighted spatial interpolation using parallel supercomputers
MP Armstrong, R Marciano
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 60 (9), 1097-1102, 1994
Mixed-initiative social media analytics at the World Bank: Observations of citizen sentiment in Twitter data to explore" trust" of political actors and state institutions and …
NA Calderon, B Fisher, J Hemsley, B Ceskavich, G Jansen, R Marciano, ...
2015 IEEE International conference on big data (big data), 1678-1687, 2015
Massively parallel processing of spatial statistics
MP Armstrong, R Marciano
International journal of geographical information systems 9 (2), 169-189, 1995
Parallel processing of spatial statistics
MP Armstrong, CE Pavlik, R Marciano
Computers & Geosciences 20 (2), 91-104, 1994
XML-based spatial data mediation infrastructure for global interoperability
I Zaslavsky, R Marciano, A Gupta, C Baru
4th Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference, Cape Town, South Africa …, 2000
Massively parallel strategies for local spatial interpolation
MP Armstrong, RJ Marciano
Computers & Geosciences 23 (8), 859-867, 1997
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