Amy Waltz
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Cited by
Restoration of presettlement age structure of an Arizona ponderosa pine forest
JN Mast, PZ Fule, MM Moore, WW Covington, AEM Waltz
Ecological applications 9 (1), 228-239, 1999
Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests
RK Hagmann, PF Hessburg, SJ Prichard, NA Povak, PM Brown, PZ Fulé, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (8), e02431, 2021
Measuring forest restoration effectiveness in reducing hazardous fuels
PZ Fulé, AEM Waltz, WW Covington, TA Heinlein
Journal of Forestry 99 (11), 24-29, 2001
Natural variability in forests of the Grand Canyon, USA
PZ Fulé, WW Covington, MM Moore, TA Heinlein, AEM Waltz
Journal of Biogeography 29 (1), 31-47, 2002
Ecological restoration treatments increase butterfly richness and abundance: mechanisms of response
AEM Waltz, W Wallace Covington
Restoration Ecology 12 (1), 85-96, 2004
Plant development affects arthropod communities: opposing impacts of species removal
AM Waltz, TG Whitham
Ecology 78 (7), 2133-2144, 1997
Diversity in ponderosa pine forest structure following ecological restoration treatments
AEM Waltz, PZ Fulé, WW Covington, MM Moore
Forest science 49 (6), 885-900, 2003
Positive interactions between leafrollers and other arthropods enhance biodiversity on hybrid cottonwoods
GD Martinsen, KD Floate, AM Waltz, GM Wimp, TG Whitham
Oecologia 123, 82-89, 2000
Effectiveness of fuel reduction treatments: assessing metrics of forest resiliency and wildfire severity after the Wallow Fire, AZ
AEM Waltz, MT Stoddard, EL Kalies, JD Springer, DW Huffman, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 334, 43-52, 2014
Visions of restoration in fire-adapted forest landscapes: lessons from the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program
LS Urgenson, CM Ryan, CB Halpern, JD Bakker, RT Belote, JF Franklin, ...
Environmental Management 59, 338-353, 2017
Ecological restoration guided by historical reference conditions can increase resilience to climate change of southwestern US Ponderosa pine forests
MT Stoddard, JP Roccaforte, AJS Meador, DW Huffman, PZ Fulé, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 493, 119256, 2021
Using best available science information: Determining best and available
BE Esch, AEM Waltz, TN Wasserman, EL Kalies
Journal of Forestry 116 (5), 473-480, 2018
Changes in potential wildland fire suppression costs due to restoration treatments in Northern Arizona Ponderosa pine forests
RA Fitch, YS Kim, AEM Waltz, JE Crouse
Forest policy and economics 87, 101-114, 2018
Delayed tree mortality, bark beetle activity, and regeneration dynamics five years following the Wallow Fire, Arizona, USA: Assessing trajectories towards resiliency
JP Roccaforte, AS Meador, AEM Waltz, ML Gaylord, MT Stoddard, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 428, 20-26, 2018
Burning under old-growth ponderosa pines on lava soils.
PZ Fulé, G Verkamp, AEM Waltz, WW Covington
Managing for resilience? Examining management implications of resilience in southwestern national forests
SM Greiner, KE Grimm, AEM Waltz
Journal of Forestry 118 (4), 433-443, 2020
Adaptive governance and the administrative state: knowledge management for forest planning in the western United States
Z Wurtzebach, C Schultz, AEM Waltz, BE Esch, TN Wasserman
Regional Environmental Change 19, 2651-2666, 2019
Social perspectives on the use of reference conditions in restoration of fire‐adapted forest landscapes
LS Urgenson, CR Nelson, RD Haugo, CB Halpern, JD Bakker, CM Ryan, ...
Restoration Ecology 26 (5), 987-996, 2018
Seeding versus natural regeneration: A comparison of vegetation change following thinning and burning in ponderosa pine
JD Springer, AEM Waltz, PZ Fulé, MM Moore, WW Covington
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, http://www. fs. fed …, 2001
Refuge‐yeah or refuge‐nah? Predicting locations of forest resistance and recruitment in a fiery world
KC Rodman, KT Davis, SA Parks, TB Chapman, JD Coop, JM Iniguez, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (24), 7029-7050, 2023
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