souaibou FAROUGOU
souaibou FAROUGOU
Other namesFarougou Souaibou, S. Farougou, Farougou S.
Professor of microbiology and animal pathology, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
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Cited by
Toxoplasma gondii infection in meat animals from Africa: Systematic review and meta-analysis of sero-epidemiological studies
ABN Tonouhewa, Y Akpo, P Sessou, C Adoligbe, E Yessinou, ...
Veterinary World 10 (2), 194, 2017
Chemical Composition and Antifungal activity of Essential oil of Fresh leaves of Ocimum gratissimum from Benin against six Mycotoxigenic Fungi isolated from a traditional …
S Philippe, F Souaïbou, A Guy, DT Sébastien, Y Boniface, A Paulin, ...
ISCA Journal of Biological Sciences 1 (4), 1-8, 2012
Acaricide resistance of Rhipicephalus microplus ticks in Benin
SB Adehan, A Biguezoton, H Adakal, MN Assogba, AM Gbaguidi, ...
African Journal of Agricultural Research 11 (14), 1199-1208, 2016
Community structure, seasonal variations and interactions between native and invasive cattle tick species in Benin and Burkina Faso
A Biguezoton, S Adehan, H Adakal, S Zoungrana, S Farougou, ...
Parasites & Vectors 9, 1-16, 2016
Resistance of tick Rhipicephalus microplus to acaricides and control strategies
RE Yessinou, Y Akpo, C Adoligbe, J Adinci, MN Assogba, B Koutinhouin, ...
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 4 (6), 408-414, 2016
Prévalence de l'infection d'Amblyomma variegatum par Ehrlichia ruminantium dans les élevages extensifs du Bénin.
S Farougou, H Adakal, AS Biguezoton, C Boko
Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire 163 (5), 261, 2012
Tiques et hémoparasites du bétail dans le nord-Bénin
S Farougou, AW Tassou, DM Tchabode, M Kpodekon, C Boko, ...
Rev. Méd. Vét 158 (8-9), 463-467, 2007
Prevalence of peste des petits ruminants in the arid zone in the Republic of Niger
S Farougou, M Gagara, MG Apollinaire.
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 80 (1), 2013
Abondance saisonnière des tiques (Acari: Ixodidae) parasites des bovins dans la zone soudanienne du Bénin: cas des départements de l’Atacora et de la Donga
S Farougou, M Kpodekon, DM Tchabode, AKI Youssao, C Boko
Ann Med Vet 150 (145), 52, 2006
Critères d’appréciation et facteurs de variation des caractéristiques de la carcasse et de qualité de la viande bovine
CFA Salifou, AKI Youssao, GS Ahounou, PU Tougan, S Farougou, ...
Annales de médecine vétérinaire 157 (1), 27-42, 2013
Evaluation of carcass traits of Lagunaire, Borgou and Zebu Fulani bulls raised on natural pasture in Benin
CFA Salifou, M Dahouda, GS Ahounou, SK Kassa, PU Tougan, ...
Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 22 (4), 2012
Bioefficacy of Cymbopogon citratus essential oil against foodborne pathogens in culture medium and in traditional cheese wagashi produced in Benin
P Sessou, S Farougou, S Kaneho, S Djenontin, GA Alitonou, P Azokpota, ...
International Research Journal Microbiology 3 (12), 406-415, 2012
Farmer perceptions and pathological constraints in helmeted guinea fowl farming in the Borgou department in North-East Benin
CK Boko, MT Kpodekon, S Farougou, M Dahouda, AKI Youssao, ...
African Journal of Agricultural Research 6, 2011
Ehrlichia ruminantium infects Rhipicephalus microplus in West Africa
A Biguezoton, V Noel, S Adehan, H Adakal, GK Dayo, S Zoungrana, ...
Parasites & vectors 9, 1-4, 2016
Bovine GDF10 gene polymorphism analysis and its association with body measurement traits in Chinese indigenous cattle
C Adoligbe, L Zan, S Farougou, H Wang, JA Ujjan
Molecular biology reports 39, 4067-4075, 2012
Comparative study of antifungal activities of six selected essential oils against fungal isolates from cheese wagashi in Benin.
P Sessou, S Farougou, S Ahounou, Y Hounnankpon, P Azokpota, ...
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 16 (23), 1751-1757, 2013
Evidence of multiple mechanisms of alphacypermethrin and deltamethrin resistance in ticks Rhipicephalus microplus in Benin, West Africa
RE Yessinou, Y Akpo, A Sidick, C Adoligbe, IYA Karim, M Akogbeto, ...
Ticks and tick-borne diseases 9 (3), 665-671, 2018
Diversité de la microflore initiale de la viande et sécurité sanitaire des consommateurs
CFA Salifou, KC Boko, GS Ahounou, PU Tougan, SK Kassa, I Houaga, ...
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 (3), 1351-1369, 2013
Spatial distribution and risks factors of porcine cysticercosis in southern Benin based meat inspection records
JSE Goussanou, TM Kpodekon, C Saegerman, E Azagoun, AK Youssao, ...
International Research Journal of Microbiology 4 (8), 188-196, 2013
Major component and potential applications of plant essentials oils as natural food preservatives: a short review research results
P Sessou, S Farougou, D Sohounhloué
International Journal of Biosciences 2 (8), 45-57, 2012
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Articles 1–20