Tom De Smedt
Tom De Smedt
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Pattern for Python
T De Smedt, W Daelemans
Journal of Machine Learning Research 13 (Jun), 2063-2067, 2012
Online hatred of women in the Incels.me forum: Linguistic analysis and automatic detection
S Jaki, T De Smedt, M Gwóźdź, R Panchal, A Rossa, G De Pauw
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 2019
Evaluating and understanding text-based stock price prediction models
EJ De Fortuny, T De Smedt, D Martens, W Daelemans
Information Processing & Management 50 (2), 426-441, 2014
"Vreselijk mooi!" (terribly beautiful): A Subjectivity Lexicon for Dutch Adjectives.
T De Smedt, W Daelemans
LREC, 3568-3572, 2012
Media coverage in times of political crisis: A text mining approach
EJ de Fortuny, T De Smedt, D Martens, W Daelemans
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (14), 11616-11622, 2012
Automatic Detection of Online Jihadist Hate Speech
T De Smedt, G De Pauw, P Van Ostaeyen
CLiPS Technical Report Series, 2018
Right-wing German hate speech on Twitter: Analysis and automatic detection
S Jaki, T De Smedt
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.07518, 2019
Ensemble methods for personality recognition
B Verhoeven, W Daelemans, T De Smedt
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 7 …, 2013
Multilingual Cross-domain Perspectives on Online Hate Speech
T De Smedt, S Jaki, E Kotzé, L Saoud, M Gwóźdź, G De Pauw, ...
CLiPS Technical Report Series, 2018
Modeling Creativity: Case Studies in Python
T De Smedt
University Press Antwerp, 2013
Generative art inspired by nature, using NodeBox
T De Smedt, L Lechat, W Daelemans
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: EvoApplications 2011: EvoCOMNET …, 2011
VALENCE: affective visualisation using EEG
T De Smedt, L Menschaert
Digital Creativity 23 (3-4), 272-277, 2012
The Polly corpus: Online political debate in Germany
T De Smedt, S Jaki
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC …, 2018
Challenges of automatically detecting offensive language online: Participation paper for the Germeval Shared Task 2018 (HaUA)
T De Smedt, S Jaki
Proceedings of the GermEval 2018 Workshop, 27-32, 2018
Creative Web Services with Pattern
T De Smedt, L Nijs, W Daelemans
ICCC, 344-346, 2014
Medical Art Therapy of the Future: Building an Interactive Virtual Underwater World in a Children’s Hospital
L Lechat, L Menschaert, T De Smedt, L Nijs, M Dhar, K Norga, J Toelen
Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design: 7th …, 2018
An EEG study of creativity in expert classical musicians
T De Smedt, L Menschaert, P Heremans, L Lechat, G Dhooghe
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.06719, 2016
Using wiktionary to build an Italian part-of-speech tagger
T De Smedt, F Marfia, M Matteucci, W Daelemans
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 19th International …, 2014
Gravital: natural language processing for computer graphics
T De Smedt, F De Bleser, V Van Asch, L Nijs, W Daelemans
Creativity and the Agile Mind: A Multi-Disciplinary Study of a Multi-Faceted …, 2013
Memory-based shallow parser for Python
T De Smedt, V Van Asch, W Daelemans
CLiPS Technical Report Series, 2010
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