Geertje Bekebrede
Cited by
Cited by
The research and evaluation of serious games: Toward a comprehensive methodology
I Mayer, G Bekebrede, C Harteveld, H Warmelink, Q Zhou, T Van Ruijven, ...
British journal of educational technology 45 (3), 502-527, 2014
Reviewing the need for gaming in education to accommodate the net generation
G Bekebrede, HJG Warmelink, IS Mayer
Computers & Education 57 (2), 1521-1529, 2011
A scientific foundation of simulation games for the analysis and design of complex systems
HK Lukosch, G Bekebrede, S Kurapati, SG Lukosch
Simulation & gaming 49 (3), 279-314, 2018
Learning in a game-based virtual environment: a comparative evaluation in higher education
I Mayer, H Warmelink, G Bekebrede
European Journal of Engineering Education 38 (1), 85-106, 2013
Learning in single-versus multiplayer games: The more the merrier?
C Harteveld, G Bekebrede
Simulation & Gaming 42 (1), 43-63, 2011
Experiencing complexity: a gaming approach for understanding infrastructure systems
G Bekebrede
Build your seaport in a game and learn about complex systems
G Bekebrede, I Mayer
Journal of design research 5 (2), 273-298, 2006
Understanding Complex Adaptive Systems by Playing Games.
A Van Bilsen, G Bekebrede, I Mayer
Informatics in Education 9 (1), 1-18, 2010
Critical infrastructures: a review from a complex adaptive systems perspective
TE Van der Lei, G Bekebrede, I Nikolic
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 6 (4), 380-401, 2010
A brief methodology for researching and evaluating serious games and game-based learning
I Mayer, G Bekebrede, H Warmelink, Q Zhou
Psychology, pedagogy, and assessment in serious games, 357-393, 2014
Understanding complex systems through mental models and shared experiences: a case study
G Bekebrede, J Lo, H Lukosch
Simulation & Gaming 46 (5), 536-562, 2015
How to use a systems diagram to analyse and structure complex problems for policy issue papers
TE Van der Lei, B Enserink, WAH Thissen, G Bekebrede
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (7), 1391-1402, 2011
& Wenzler
I Mayer, G Bekebrede, C Harteveld, H Warmelink, Q Zhou, T van Ruijven
I, 2014
The climate game: Connecting water management and spatial planning through simulation gaming?
Q Zhou, G Bekebrede, I Mayer, J Warmerdam, M Knepflé
Water governance as connective capacity, 109-127, 2016
Understanding complexity: The use of simulation games for engineering systems
G Bekebrede, J Lo, H Lukosch
Simulation & Gaming 46 (5), 447-454, 2015
Towards a joint local energy transition process in urban districts: The go2zero simulation game
G Bekebrede, E Van Bueren, I Wenzler
Sustainability 10 (8), 2602, 2018
The role of Situation Awareness in Synchromodal Corridor Management: A simulation gaming perspective
S Kurapati, I Kourounioti, H Lukosch, G Bekebrede, L Tavasszy, ...
Transportation research procedia 27, 197-204, 2017
Beyond SimCity: Urban gaming and Multi-actor systems
IS Mayer, G Bekebrede, A van Bilsen, Q Zhou
Model town. Using urban simulation in new town planning, 168-181, 2009
Spelend leren in virtuele werelden: Bouwstenen voor online gaming in het hoger onderwijs
IS Mayer, K Stegers-Jager, G Bekebrede
Wolters-Noordhoff, 2007
SimPort: a multiplayer management game framework
J Warmerdam, M Knepflé, R Bidarra, G Bekebrede, I Mayer
9th International Conference on Computer Games (CGAMES06), Dublin, Ireland, 2006
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Articles 1–20