Radouane Fikri
Radouane Fikri
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Apertureless near-field optical microscopy: A study of the local tip field enhancement using photosensitive azobenzene-containing films
R Bachelot, F H’dhili, D Barchiesi, G Lerondel, R Fikri, P Royer, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 94 (3), 2060-2072, 2003
Coupling semiconductor lasers into single-mode optical fibers by use of tips grown by photopolymerization
R Bachelot, A Fares, R Fikri, D Barchiesi, G Lerondel, P Royer
Optics letters 29 (17), 1971-1973, 2004
Modeling recent experiments of apertureless near-field optical microscopy using 2D finite element method
R Fikri, D Barchiesi, F H’Dhili, R Bachelot, A Vial, P Royer
Optics Communications 221 (1-3), 13-22, 2003
Apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy: numerical modeling of the lock-in detection
R Fikri, T Grosges, D Barchiesi
Optics communications 232 (1-6), 15-23, 2004
Apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy: the need for probe-vibration modeling
R Fikri, T Grosges, D Barchiesi
Optics letters 28 (22), 2147-2149, 2003
High-resolution nanophotolithography in atomic force microscopy contact mode
Y Gilbert, R Fikri, A Ruymantseva, G Lerondel, R Bachelot, D Barchiesi, ...
Macromolecules 37 (10), 3780-3791, 2004
Transmission filtering of a waveguide coupled to a stub microresonator
Y Pennec, B Djafari-Rouhani, A Akjouj, JO Vasseur, L Dobrzynski, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (10), 2006
Discrete plasmonic nano-waveguide: numerical and theoretical studies
R Fikri, JP Vigneron
Photonics North 2006 6343, 861-871, 2006
Guidage, filtrage et démultiplexage dans le domaine sub-longueur d'onde
A Akjouj, Y Pennec, B Djafari-Rouhani, L Dobrzynski, R Fikri, JP Vigneron
Actes de TELECOM'2007 & 5èmes Journées Franco-Maghrébines des Micro-ondes et …, 2007
Performances of the finite element method in near-field optics
Physical & chemical news, 44-51, 2007
Simulation des nano-filtres plasmoniques basés sur des nano-particules métalliques: proceeding des 25ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Metz, 07-09/11/2006, pp. 424-426
R Fikri, JP Vigneron, Y Pennec, B Djafari-Rouhani, A Akjouj, L Dobrzynski, ...
Méthode des éléments finis appliquée en champ proche optique et aux effets de plasmon: Proceeding des 5èmes journées d'optique et du traitement de l'information, rabat, 19-20 …
R Fikri, J Vigneron
ETUDE THEORIQUE ET NUMERIQUE D'UNE FORME DISCRETE DE NANOGUIDES PLASMONIQUES: Proceeding des 5èmes journées d'optique et du traitement de l'information, rabat, 19-20/04/2006 …
R Fikri, JP Vigneron
Des outils de simulations des nano-guides plasmoniques
R Fikri, JP Vigneron, V Lousse, A Akjouj, B Djafari-Rouhani, L Dobrzynski
3ème Congrès International de Physique des Interactions Rayonnement-Matière …, 2006
Etude du filtre optique constitué d'un microguide couplé à un stub
Y Pennec, B Djafari-Rouhani, A Akjouj, JO Vasseur, L Dobrzynski, ...
Journées GDR Ondes, réunion commune transverse GT2-GT5, 2006
Coupling semiconductor lasers into single-mode optical fibers by use of tips grown by photopolymerization: in Opt. Lett. Volume 29, Issue 17, pp 1971-1973
R Bachelot, A Fares, R Fikri, D Barchiesi, G Lerondel, P Royer
High-Resolution Nanophotolithography in Atomic Force Microscopy Contact Mode: in Macromolecules, Volume 37, Issue 10, pp3780-3791
Y Gilbert, R Fikri, A Ruymantseva, G Lerondel, R Bachelot, D Barchiesi, ...
Apertureless Scanning near-field optical microscopy: numerical modeling of the lock-in detection: in Opt. Commun. Volume 232, Issue: 1-6, pp 15-23
R Fikri, T Grosges, D Barchiesi
Fiber Optics and Optical Communications-Coupling semiconductor lasers into single-mode optical fibers by use of tips grown by photopolymerization
R Bachelot, A Fares, R Fikri, D Barchiesi, G Lerondel, P Royer
Optics Letters 29 (17), 1971-1973, 2004
Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) using an apertureless probe: tip field enhancement studied by the help of photosensitive materials
R Bachelot, D Barchiesi, F H'Dhili, G Lerondel, A Rumyantseva, P Royer
Journées Lyonnaises Nano-Optique, 2003
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