Kathleen King
Cited by
Cited by
Ensuring quality teacher candidates: Does the edTPA answer the call?
MB Ressler, KB King, H Nelson
Teacher performance assessment and accountability reforms: The impacts of …, 2017
Lessons from the storm: Emotions, meaning-making & Leadership during transition
J Mahfouz, K King, LD James
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 30, 339-347, 2021
Preservice teachers’ mental health: Using student voice to inform pedagogical, programmatic, and curricular change
MB Ressler, C Apantenco, L Wexler, K King
Action in Teacher Education 44 (3), 252-268, 2022
Students Realize They Can Shape the World.
K King
Momentum 33 (3), 61-64, 2002
‘What are you?’The impact of racism and white supremacy on preservice teacher mental wellness
MB Ressler, KB King, JE Flynn, LJ Wexler, C Apantenco
Whiteness and Education, 1-18, 2023
Modeling Innovation into Principal Preparation: The Illinois Partnerships Advancing Rigorous Training (IL-PART) Project
K Black, M Kincaid, K King, P Bonsu, M Brown-Sims, M Clifford
Reforming Principal Preparation at the State Level, 150-184, 2019
Teacher Leader Case Study: North Central College
K King, K Black
Success in High-Need Schools Journal 12 (2), 44, 2016
“Yes We Can” in High-Need Schools, by Kathleen King and Kristine Servais
K Servais
Success in High-Need Schools Journal Volume 5, 37, 0
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