Chee Kong Lee
Chee Kong Lee
IBM Quantum
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Cited by
Motif-based graph self-supervised learning for molecular property prediction
Z Zhang, Q Liu, H Wang, C Lu, CK Lee
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 15870-15882, 2021
Nanoscale transport of charge-transfer states in organic donor–acceptor blends
PB Deotare, W Chang, E Hontz, DN Congreve, L Shi, PD Reusswig, ...
Nature materials 14 (11), 1130-1134, 2015
ASGN: An Active Semi-supervised Graph Neural Network for Molecular Property Prediction
Z Hao, C Lu, Z Hu, H Wang, Z Huang, Q Liu, E Chen, CK Lee
The 26th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2020
ProtGNN: Towards self-explaining graph neural networks
Z Zhang, Q Liu, H Wang, C Lu, CK Lee
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (8), 9127-9135, 2022
Accuracy of second order perturbation theory in the polaron and variational polaron frames
CK Lee, J Moix, J Cao
The Journal of chemical physics 136 (20), 2012
Tensorcircuit: a quantum software framework for the nisq era
SX Zhang, J Allcock, ZQ Wan, S Liu, J Sun, H Yu, XH Yang, J Qiu, Z Ye, ...
Quantum 7, 912, 2023
Hierarchical graph transformer with adaptive node sampling
Z Zhang, Q Liu, Q Hu, CK Lee
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 21171-21183, 2022
Alchemy: A quantum chemistry dataset for benchmarking AI models
G Chen, P Chen, CY Hsieh, CK Lee, B Liao, R Liao, W Liu, J Qiu, Q Sun, ...
arXiv:1906.09427 ICLR workshop 2019, 2019
Excitonic energy transfer in light-harvesting complexes in purple bacteria
J Ye, K Sun, Y Zhao, Y Yu, CK Lee, J Cao
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (24), 06B619, 2012
Coherent quantum transport in disordered systems: A unified polaron treatment of hopping and band-like transport
CK Lee, J Moix, J Cao
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (16), 2015
Noncanonical statistics of a spin-boson model: Theory and exact Monte Carlo simulations
CK Lee, J Cao, J Gong
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (2 …, 2012
The Enhancement of Interfacial Exciton Dissociation by Energetic Disorder Is a Nonequilibrium Effect
L Shi*, CK Lee*, AP Willard
ACS central science, 2017
Quantum diffusion on molecular tubes: Universal scaling of the 1D to 2D transition
C Chuang, CK Lee, JM Moix, J Knoester, J Cao
Physical review letters 116 (19), 196803, 2016
Variational quantum-neural hybrid eigensolver
SX Zhang, ZQ Wan, CK Lee, CY Hsieh, S Zhang, H Yao
Physical Review Letters 128 (12), 120502, 2022
Deep learning for optoelectronic properties of organic semiconductors
C Lu, Q Liu, Q Sun, CY Hsieh, S Zhang, L Shi, CK Lee
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (13), 7048-7060, 2020
Optimizing quantum annealing schedules with Monte Carlo tree search enhanced with neural networks
YQ Chen, Y Chen, CK Lee, S Zhang, CY Hsieh
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (3), 269-278, 2022
Model inversion attacks against graph neural networks
Z Zhang, Q Liu, Z Huang, H Wang, CK Lee, E Chen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (9), 8729-8741, 2022
Transfer learning with graph neural networks for optoelectronic properties of conjugated oligomers
CK Lee, C Lu, Y Yu, Q Sun, CY Hsieh, S Zhang, Q Liu, L Shi
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (2), 2021
Neural-network variational quantum algorithm for simulating many-body dynamics
CK Lee, P Patil, S Zhang, CY Hsieh
Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023095, 2021
Machine learning Frenkel Hamiltonian parameters to accelerate simulations of exciton dynamics
A Farahvash, CK Lee, Q Sun, L Shi, AP Willard
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (7), 2020
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Articles 1–20