Laura Merla
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Transnational families, migration and the circulation of care
L Baldassar, L Merla
The wiley blackwell companion to the sociology of families, 320, 2014
ICT-based co-presence in transnational families and communities: challenging the premise of face-to-face proximity in sustaining relationships
L Baldassar, M Nedelcu, L Merla, W Raelene
Global Networks, 2016
Situating transnational families' care‐giving arrangements: the role of institutional contexts
M Kilkey, L Merla
Global Networks 14 (2), 210-229, 2014
Stay-at-home fathering: A strategy for balancing work and home in Canadian and Belgian families
A Doucet, L Merla
Community, Work and Family 10 (4), 455-473, 2007
Introduction: Transnational family caregiving through the lens of circulation
L Baldassar, L Merla
Transnational families, migration and the circulation of care, 3-24, 2013
Locating transnational care circulation in migration and family studies
L Baldassar, L Merla
Transnational families, migration and the circulation of care, 41-74, 2013
Determinants, costs, and meanings of Belgian stay-at-home fathers: An international comparison
L Merla
FATHERING-HARRIMAN- 6 (2), 113, 2008
Salvadoran migrants in Australia: An analysis of transnational families’ capability to care across borders
L Merla
International Migration 53 (6), 153-165, 2015
Examining transnational care circulation trajectories within immobilizing regimes of migration: Implications for proximate care
L Merla, M Kilkey, L Baldassar
Journal of Family Research 32 (3), 514-536, 2020
La circulación de cuidados en las familias transnacionales/The circulation of care in transnational families
L Merla
Revista CIDOB d'afers Internacionals, 85-104, 2014
Aging in place in a mobile world: New media and older people’s support networks
L Baldassar, R Wilding, P Boccagni, L Merla
Transnational Social Review 7 (1), 2-9, 2017
Introduction to the special issue" Transnational care: Families confronting borders"
L Merla, M Kilkey, L Baldassar
JFR-Journal of Family Research 32 (3), 393-414, 2020
Concluding reflections:" Care circulation" in an increasingly mobile world: Further thoughts
L Merla, L Baldassar
Papers: revista de sociologia 101 (2), 0275-284, 2016
A macro perspective on transnational families and care circulation: Situating capacity, obligation and family commitments
L Merla
Transnational families, migration and the circulation of care, 115-129, 2013
Transnational caregiving between Australia, Italy and El Salvador: The impact of institutions on the capability to care at a distance
L Merla, L Baldassar
Gender and well-being, 147-162, 2016
Masculinité et paternité à l’écart du monde du travail: le cas des pères au foyer en Belgique
L Merla
Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques 38 (38-2), 143-163, 2007
The social reproductive worlds of migrants
M Kilkey, L Merla, L Baldassar
Journal of Family Studies 24 (1), 1-4, 2018
‘Global householding’in mixed families: The case of Thai migrant women in Belgium
A Fresnoza-Flot, L Merla
Making multicultural families in Europe: Gender and intergenerational …, 2018
Présentation. Les dynamiques de soin transnationales entre émotions et considérations économiques
L Merla, L Baldassar
Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques 41 (41-1), 1-14, 2010
Familles salvadoriennes à l’épreuve de la distance: solidarités familiales et soins intergénérationnels
L Merla*
Autrepart, 145-162, 2011
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