Chan-Byoung Chae
Chan-Byoung Chae
Underwood Distinguished Professor, Yonsei University, IEEE Fellow
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Shifting the MIMO paradigm
D Gesbert, M Kountouris, RW Heath, CB Chae
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 24 (5), 36-46, 2007
A comprehensive survey of recent advancements in molecular communication
N Farsad, HB Yilmaz, A Eckford, W Guo, CB Chae
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 18 (3), 1887-1919, 2016
Reconfigurable intelligent surface-based wireless communications: Antenna design, prototyping, and experimental results
L Dai, B Wang, M Wang, X Yang, J Tan, S Bi, S Xu, F Yang, Z Chen, ...
IEEE Access 8, 45913-45923, 2020
Beyond Transmitting Bits: Context, Semantics, and Task-Oriented Communications
D Gunduz, Z Qin, IE Aguerri, HS Dhillon, Z Yang, A Yener, K Kit Wong, ...
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (1), 5-41, 2023
Coordinated Multi-Point in Mobile Communications: from theory to practice
P Marsch, GP Fettweis, CB Chae
Cambridge Univ Press, 2011
Three dimensional channel characteristics for molecular communications with an absorbing receiver
HB Yilmaz, AC Heren, T Tugcu, CB Chae
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (6), 929 - 932, 2014
MIMO relaying with linear processing for multiuser transmission in fixed relay networks
CB Chae, T Tang, RW Heath, S Cho
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (2), 727-738, 2008
Signal Processing for 5G: Algorithms and Implementations
FL Luo, C Zhang, CB Chae
Wiley, 2016
Novel modulation techniques using isomers as messenger molecules for molecular communication via diffusion
NR Kim, CB Chae
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (12), 847-856, 2013
Coordinated beamforming with limited feedback in the MIMO broadcast channel
CB Chae, D Mazzarese, N Jindal, RW Heath
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26 (8), 1505-1515, 2008
Molecular MIMO: From theory to prototype
B Koo, C Lee, HB Yilmaz, N Farsad, A Eckford, CB Chae
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (3), 600 - 614, 2016
Performance analysis of massive MIMO for cell-boundary users
YG Lim, CB Chae, G Caire
IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications 14 (12), 6827-6842, 2015
Prototyping real-time full duplex radios
MK Chung, MS Sim, J Kim, DK Kim, CB Chae
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (9), 56-63, 2015
A cross-layer approach to energy efficiency for adaptive MIMO systems exploiting spare capacity
H Kim, CB Chae, G De Veciana, RW Heath
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (8), 4264-4275, 2009
ISI Mitigation Techniques in Molecular Communication
B Tepekule, AE Pusane, HB Yilmaz, CB Chae, T Tugcu
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications 1 …, 2014
Ultrareliable and Low-Latency Communication Techniques for Tactile Internet Services
KS Kim, DK Kim, CB Chae, S Choi, YC Ko, J Kim, YG Lim, M Yang, S Kim, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (2), 376-393, 2019
Nonlinear Self-Interference Cancellation for Full-Duplex Radios: From Link-and System-Level Performance Perspectives
MS Sim, MK Chung, D Kim, J Chung, DK Kim, CB Chae
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (9), 158-167, 2017
Deep learning-based mmWave beam selection for 5G NR/6G with sub-6 GHz channel information: Algorithms and prototype validation
MS Sim, YG Lim, SH Park, L Dai, CB Chae
IEEE Access 8, 51634-51646, 2020
Fluid antenna multiple access
KK Wong, KF Tong, CB Chae
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (7), 4801-4815, 2021
Adaptive MIMO transmission techniques for broadband wireless communication systems
CB Chae, A Forenza, RW Heath, MR McKay, IB Collings
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (5), 112-118, 2010
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Articles 1–20