Dr. Sai Babu Ch
Dr. Sai Babu Ch
Professor of Electrical Engg., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada
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Mathematical modeling and simulation of photovoltaic cell using matlab-simulink environment
JS Kumari, CS Babu
International journal of Electrical and Computer engineering 2 (1), 26, 2012
New multilevel inverter topology with reduced number of switches using advanced modulation strategies
SN Rao, DVA Kumar, CS Babu
2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC), 693-699, 2013
Design and analysis of P&O and IP&O MPPT techniques for photovoltaic system
JS Kumari, DCS Babu, AK Babu
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research 2 (4), 2174-2180, 2012
Experimental implementation of Flower Pollination Algorithm for speed controller of a BLDC motor
D Potnuru, KA Mary, CS Babu
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2), 287-295, 2019
Mathematical modeling of BLDC motor with closed loop speed control using PID controller under various loading conditions
APC Rao, YP Obulesh, CS Babu
arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences 7 (10), 1321-1328, 2012
Comparison of maximum power point tracking algorithms for photovoltaic system
JS Kumari, CS Babu
International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology 1 (5), 133, 2011
Design and implementation methodology for rapid control prototyping of closed loop speed control for BLDC motor
D Potnuru, S Ch
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology 5 (1), 99-111, 2018
Derivative‐free square‐root cubature Kalman filter for non‐linear brushless DC motors
D Potnuru, KP Bharani Chandra, I Arasaratnam, DW Gu, K Alice Mary, ...
IET Electric Power Applications 10 (5), 419-429, 2016
Design and Implementation of different MPPT Algorithms for PV System
C Kalpana, CS Babu, JS Kumari
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research …, 2013
Dynamic performance improvement of standalone battery integrated PMSG wind energy system using proportional resonant controller
DKV Sagiraju, YP Obulesu, SB Choppavarapu
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 20 (4), 1353-1365, 2017
Solution of dynamic economic load dispatch (DELD) problem with valve point loading effects and ramp rate limits using PSO
G Sreenivasan, CH Saibabu, S Sivanagaraju
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 1 (1 …, 2011
Design and analysis of open circuit voltage based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic system
MJS Kumari, CS Babu, MTR Kullayappa
International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology 2 (2), 51-86, 2011
Design and investigation of short circuit current based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic system
JS Kumari, CS Babu, J Yugandhar
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Electrical and Computer …, 2011
Improvement of voltage profile and reduce power system losses by using multi type facts devices
C Rambabu, YP Cbulesu, C Saibabu
International Journal of Computer Application 13 (2), 2011
Grid Connected Distributed Generation System with High Voltage Gain Cascaded DC-DC Converter Fed Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter Topology.
SN Rao, DV Ashok Kumar, CS Babu
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 8 (6), 2018
Application of STATCOM for transient stability improvement and performance enhancement for a wind turbine based induction generator
CH AppalaNarayana, DVN Ananth, KDS Prasad, CH Saibabu, S SaiKiran, ...
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN, 2231-2307, 2013
A variable switching frequency with boost power factor correction converter
MR Kumar, D Lenine, CS Babu
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 9 (1), 47-54, 2011
FPGA implementation of a three-level boost converter-fed seven-level dc-link cascade H-bridge inverter for photovoltaic applications
NR Sulake, AK Devarasetty Venkata, SB Choppavarapu
Electronics 7 (11), 282, 2018
Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy and PI Controller for Boost Converter with Active PFC
D Lenine, CS Babu, G Shankaraiah
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 2 (4), 445, 2012
Integration of renewable energy sources in Zero energy buildings with economical and environmental aspects by using HOMER
SB Ch, P GRKDS, K Reddy
International journal of advanced engineering sciences and technologies 9 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20