George Sioros
George Sioros
mdw - University of Music and Perfroming Arts Wien
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Syncopation creates the sensation of groove in synthesized music examples
G Sioros, M Miron, M Davies, F Gouyon, G Madison
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1036, 2014
What musicians do to induce the sensation of groove in simple and complex melodies, and how listeners perceive it
G Madison, G Sioros
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 894, 2014
Automatic rhythmic performance in Max MSP: the kin.rythmicator
G Sioros, C Guedes
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway, 2011
Complexity driven recombination of midi loops
G Sioros, C Guedes
A novel S= 7/2 configuration of the Mn cluster of photosystem II
Y Sanakis, N Ioannidis, G Sioros, V Petrouleas
Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (43), 10766-10767, 2001
The S1YZ• metalloradical EPR signal of photosystem II contains two distinct components that advance respectively to the multiline and g= 4.1 conformations of S2
G Sioros, D Koulougliotis, G Karapanagos, V Petrouleas
Biochemistry 46 (1), 210-217, 2007
Pupil drift rate indexes groove ratings
C Spiech, G Sioros, T Endestad, A Danielsen, B Laeng
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 11620, 2022
A generative model for the characterization of musical rhythms
G Sioros, MEP Davies, C Guedes
Journal of New Music Research 47 (2), 114-128, 2018
The Collapse of the Tyrosine Z−Mn Spin−Spin Interaction above ∼100 K Reveals the Spectrum of Tyrosine Z. An Application of Rapid-Scan EPR to the Study of …
G Zahariou, N Ioannidis, G Sioros, V Petrouleas
Biochemistry 46 (50), 14335-14341, 2007
On measuring syncopation to drive an interactive music system
G Sioros, A Holzapfel, C Guedes
13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR …, 2012
A formal approach for high-level automatic rhythm generation
G Sioros, C Guedes
Proceedings of Bridges 2011: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture …, 2011
Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance and theoretical studies of a Mn (II)(S= 5/2) complex: The role of geometrical elements on the Zero Field Splitting parameters
TD Tzima, G Sioros, C Duboc, D Kovala-Demertzi, VS Melissas, ...
Polyhedron 28 (15), 3257-3264, 2009
Syncopalooza: manipulating the syncopation in rhythmic performances
G Sioros, M Miron, D Cocharro, C Guedes, F Gouyon
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music …, 2013
Syncopation and groove in polyphonic music: Patterns matter
G Sioros, G Madison, D Cocharro, A Danielsen, F Gouyon
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 39 (5), 503-531, 2022
GimmeDaBlues: An intelligent Jazz/Blues player and comping generator for iOS
C Guedes, G Sioros, T Marques, R Dias
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval: CMMR …, 2012
Syncopation as transformation
G Sioros, C Guedes
Sound, Music, and Motion: 10th International Symposium, CMMR 2013, Marseille …, 2014
Sensorimotor synchronization increases groove
C Spiech, M Hope, GS Câmara, G Sioros, T Endestad, B Laeng, ...
PsyArXiv, 2022
Mapping timing and intensity strategies in drum-kit performance of a simple back-beat pattern
GS Câmara, G Sioros, A Danielsen
Journal of New Music Research 51 (1), 3-26, 2022
Mapping Timing Strategies in Drum Performance.
G Sioros, G Câmara, A Danielsen
ISMIR, 776-783, 2019
Real-time manipulation of syncopation in audio loops
D Cocharro, G Sioros, MF Caetano, M Davies
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Articles 1–20