William Eveland
William Eveland
Professor of Communication, Ohio State University
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Information and expression in a digital age: Modeling Internet effects on civic participation
DV Shah, J Cho, WP Eveland Jr, N Kwak
Communication research 32 (5), 531-565, 2005
Connecting news media use with gaps in knowledge and participation
WP Eveland Jr, DA Scheufele
Political communication 17 (3), 215-237, 2000
The effect of political discussion in producing informed citizens: The roles of information, motivation, and elaboration
Political Communication, 21 (2), 177-193, 2004
The cognitive mediation model of learning from the news: Evidence from nonelection, off-year election, and presidential election contexts
WP Eveland Jr
Communication research 28 (5), 571-601, 2001
Political discussion frequency, network size, and “heterogeneity” of discussion as predictors of political knowledge and participation
WP Eveland Jr, MH Hively
Journal of communication 59 (2), 205-224, 2009
Community integration, local media use, and democratic processes
JM McLeod, K Daily, Z Guo, WP Eveland Jr, J Bayer, S Yang, H Wang
Communication research 23 (2), 179-209, 1996
Support for censorship of violent and misogynic rap lyrics: An analysis of the third-person effect
DM McLeod, WP Eveland Jr, AI Nathanson
Communication Research 24 (2), 153-174, 1997
Assessing causality in the cognitive mediation model: A panel study of motivations, information processing, and learning during campaign 2000
WP Eveland Jr, DV Shah, N Kwak
Communication research 30 (4), 359-386, 2003
The impact of individual and interpersonal factors on perceived news media bias
WP Eveland Jr, DV Shah
Political psychology 24 (1), 101-117, 2003
User control and structural isomorphism or disorientation and cognitive load? Learning from the Web versus print
WP Eveland Jr, S Dunwoody
Communication research 28 (1), 48-78, 2001
A “mix of attributes” approach to the study of media effects and new communication technologies
WP Eveland Jr
Journal of Communication 53 (3), 395-410, 2003
Understanding the relationship between communication and political knowledge: A model comparison approach using panel data
WP Eveland Jr, AF Hayes, DV Shah, N Kwak
Political Communication 22 (4), 423-446, 2005
Rethinking the social distance corollary: Perceived likelihood of expsoure and the third-person perception
WP Eveland Jr, AI Nathanson, BH Detenber, DM McLeod
Communication Research 26 (3), 275-302, 1999
Moving beyond “just the facts” the influence of online news on the content and structure of public affairs knowledge
WP Eveland Jr, K Marton, M Seo
Communication research 31 (1), 82-108, 2004
An investigation of elaboration and selective scanning as mediators of learning from the web versus print
WP Eveland, Jr, S Dunwoody
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 46 (1), 34-53, 2002
Behind the third‐person effect: Differentiating perceptual processes for self and other
DM McLeod, BH Detenber, WP Eveland Jr
Journal of Communication 51 (4), 678-695, 2001
News information processing as mediator of the relationship between motivations and political knowledge
WP Eveland Jr
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 79 (1), 26-40, 2002
Examining information processing on the World Wide Web using think aloud protocols
WP Eveland Jr, S Dunwoody
Media Psychology 2 (3), 219-244, 2000
Beyond deliberation: New directions for the study of informal political conversation from a communication perspective
WP Eveland Jr, AC Morey, MJ Hutchens
Journal of Communication 61 (6), 1082-1103, 2011
Is it talking, thinking, or both? A lagged dependent variable model of discussion effects on political knowledge
WP Eveland Jr, T Thomson
Journal of communication 56 (3), 523-542, 2006
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Articles 1–20