Shubin Liu
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Cited by
Electrophilicity index
RG Parr, L Szentpály, S Liu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (9), 1922-1924, 1999
Development of fluorinated benzothiadiazole as a structural unit for a polymer solar cell of 7% efficiency
H Zhou, L Yang, AC Stuart, SC Price, S Liu, W You
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (13), 2995-2998, 2011
Fluorine substituents reduce charge recombination and drive structure and morphology development in polymer solar cells
AC Stuart, JR Tumbleston, H Zhou, W Li, S Liu, H Ade, W You
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (5), 1806-1815, 2013
Conceptual density functional theory and some recent developments
SB Liu
Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 25 (3), 590-600, 2009
Highly porous and stable metal–organic frameworks for uranium extraction
M Carboni, CW Abney, S Liu, W Lin
Chemical Science 4 (6), 2396-2402, 2013
A biomimetic copper water oxidation catalyst with low overpotential
T Zhang, C Wang, S Liu, JL Wang, W Lin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (1), 273-281, 2014
Conceptual density functional theory: status, prospects, issues
P Geerlings, E Chamorro, PK Chattaraj, F De Proft, JL Gázquez, S Liu, ...
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 139 (2), 36, 2020
Steric effect: A quantitative description from density functional theory
S Liu
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (24), 2007
Donor− acceptor polymers incorporating alkylated dithienylbenzothiadiazole for bulk heterojunction solar cells: pronounced effect of positioning alkyl chains
H Zhou, L Yang, S Xiao, S Liu, W You
Macromolecules 43 (2), 811-820, 2010
A comparative study to predict regioselectivity, electrophilicity and nucleophilicity with Fukui function and Hirshfeld charge
B Wang, C Rong, PK Chattaraj, S Liu
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 138, 1-9, 2019
On the relationship between densities of Shannon entropy and Fisher information for atoms and molecules
S Liu
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (19), 2007
Information conservation principle determines electrophilicity, nucleophilicity, and regioselectivity
S Liu, C Rong, T Lu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (20), 3698-3704, 2014
DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science
AM Teale, T Helgaker, A Savin, C Adamo, B Aradi, AV Arbuznikov, ...
Physical chemistry chemical physics 24 (47), 28700-28781, 2022
Development, mechanism, and scope of the palladium-catalyzed enantioselective allene diboration
HE Burks, S Liu, JP Morken
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (28), 8766-8773, 2007
Cavity-induced enantioselectivity reversal in a chiral metal–organic framework Brønsted acid catalyst
M Zheng, Y Liu, C Wang, S Liu, W Lin
Chemical Science 3 (8), 2623-2627, 2012
Evaluating frontier orbital energy and HOMO/LUMO gap with descriptors from density functional reactivity theory
Y Huang, C Rong, R Zhang, S Liu
Journal of molecular modeling 23, 1-12, 2017
Origin and nature of bond rotation barriers: a unified view
S Liu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (5), 962-965, 2013
Estimation of molecular acidity via electrostatic potential at the nucleus and valence natural atomic orbitals
S Liu, LG Pedersen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (15), 3648-3655, 2009
Development of a polarizable force field using multiple fluctuating charges per atom
DX Zhao, C Liu, FF Wang, CY Yu, LD Gong, SB Liu, ZZ Yang
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6 (3), 795-804, 2010
Information-theoretic approach in density functional reactivity theory
Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 32 (1), 98-118, 2016
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Articles 1–20